Educated Person Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Educated Person". There are currently 60 quotes in our collection about Educated Person. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Educated Person!
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  • An educated person must learn to act justly, beginning, first of all, with his thoughts, then later in his deeds. That is what it means to be educated.

    Pramoedya Ananta Toer (1991). “Awakenings”
  • The notion that every well educated person would have a mastery of at least the basic elements of the humanities, sciences, and social sciences is a far cry from the specialized education that most students today receive, particularly in the research universities.

    "Biographical" by Joseph Stiglitz for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 2001.
  • I'm the least-educated person in my immediate family. My two other brothers have multiple advanced degrees, and I only have one. [...] Actually, now that I've got a Nobel Prize, I feel equal.

    Interview with Spencer Michels in "The NewsHour" on PBS, May 2, 2007.
  • It's an universal law-- intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1974). “August 1914”, Harmondsworth : Penguin
  • The uneducated person perceives only the individual phenomenon, the partly educated person the rule, and the educated person the exception.

  • Education is the key to the future: You've heard it a million times, and it's not wrong. Educated people have higher wages and lower unemployment rates, and better-educated countries grow faster and innovate more than other countries. But going to college is not enough. You also have to study the right subjects.

  • I can't be a part of the large convoy because it's not a choice that you can make. The fact that I'm an educated person means that I can't be on that convoy. I don't want to be on it. I don't want to be a victim. I don't want to disappear into the darkness.

  • My idea of an educated person is one who can converse on one subject for more than two minutes.

  • I'm well-educated person. I don't reurn the gift

  • I study to learn, to be an educated person.

  • Whoever tries to understand the Human Values of Truth, Righteous conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence properly, who practises these values and propagates them with zeal and sincerity can alone be described as a truly educated person.

  • The education system today makes and educated person selfish. It makes that person a slave to the senses and as a consequence the person forgets their own divine nature.

  • I dropped out of college and I'm pretty much a self-educated person, so a lot of my core belief system comes from life.

  • You cannot be both sane and well educated and disbelieve in evolution. The evidence is so strong that any sane, educated person has got to believe in evolution.

  • I am not an educated person. I didn't come up through a ballet company. I came up through burlesque. So I have a lot of inferiority feelings concerning my own lack of education, my entry into show business. I'm not a Baryshnikov. I'm not a Nureyev. I came up in vaudeville. Strippers. So I've always had these feelings. But I think they've also helped me.

  • Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every education person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty.

  • How can any educated person stay away from the Greeks? I have always been far more interested in them than in science.

  • Education beats the beauty and the youth.

  • Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.

    "Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton : The Illustrated London News, 1905-1907". Book by Gilbert K. Chesterton, 1986.
  • For ten centuries Christianity, armed with the omnipotence of the Church and State and opposed by no competition, was able to deprave, debase, and falsify the mind of Europe. It had no competitors, because outside the Church there was neither thinkers nor educated persons. It alone taught, it alone spoke and wrote, it alone taught.

  • When I read educational articles it often seems to me that this important side of the matter, the purely personal side, is not emphasized enough; the fact that it is so much more agreeable and interesting to be an educated person than not. The sheer pleasure of being educated does not seem to be stressed.

  • An educated person is not necessarily the one who has the knowledge, but the one who knows where to get it when needed.

  • It has always seemed strange to me that in our endless discussions about education so little stress is laid on the pleasure of becoming an educated person, the enormous interest it adds to life. To be able to be caught up into the world of thought-that is to be educated.

    Quoted in the Saturday Evening Post, 27 Sep 1958.
  • You must get into the habit of looking intensely at words, and assuring yourself of their meaning, syllable by syllable-nay, letter by letter... you might read all the books in the British Museum (if you could live long enough) and remain an utterly "illiterate," undeducated person; but if you read ten pages of a good book, letter by letter, - that is to say, with real accuracy- you are for evermore in some measure an educated person.

    John Ruskin, John D. Rosenberg (1964). “The Genius of John Ruskin: Selections from His Writings”, p.297, University of Virginia Press
  • The liberally educated person is one who is able to resist the easy and preferred answers, not because he is obstinate but because he knows others worthy of consideration.

    Allan Bloom (2008). “Closing of the American Mind”, p.21, Simon and Schuster
  • Before you judge me as some kind of 'anything goes' language heathen, let me just say that I'm not against usage standards. I don't violate them when I want to sound like an educated person, for the same reason I don't wear a bikini to a funeral when I want to look like a respectful person. There are social conventions for the way we do lots of things, and it is to everyone's benefit to be familiar with them. But logic ain't got nothin' to do with it.

  • The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.

  • An educated person is a person who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they can acquire anything they want

    FaceBook post by Bob Proctor from Jan 21, 2017
  • Nobody had books at home. My dad was a very educated person, so he would have books at home. All Spanish books. That helped. Most of my homies had no books at home.

  • It must first be reiterated that with extraordinary few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the earth was flat

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