Annie Besant Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Annie Besant's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Member of the London School Board Annie Besant's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 144 quotes on this page collected since October 1, 1847! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • As civilisation advances, the deities lessen in number, the divine powers become concentrated more and more in one Being, and God rules over the whole earth, maketh the clouds his chariot, and reigns above the waterfloods as a king.

    Annie Besant (2012). “The Theosophical Writings of Annie Besant”, p.225, Jazzybee Verlag
  • For centuries the leaders of Christian thought spoke of women as a necessary evil, and the greatest saints of the Church are those who despise women the most.

    Annie Besant (2012). “Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History”, p.200, Jazzybee Verlag
  • My first serious attempts at writing were made in 1868, and I took up two very different lines of composition; I wrote some short stories of a very flimsy type, and also a work of a much more ambitious character, 'The Lives of the Black Letter Saints.'

    Annie Besant (1893). “Annie Besant: An Autobiography”
  • The misery we inflict on sentient beings slackens our human evolution.

    Annie Besant (1913). “Vegetarianism in the Light of Theosophy”
  • It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, o­ne of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher.

  • The worlds in which man is evolving as he treads the circle of births and deaths are three: the physical world, the astral or intermediate world, the mental or heavenly world.

  • Morality is the Science of harmonious relations between intelligent beings.

  • Let Indian history be set side by side with Europe history with what there is of the latter century by century and let us see whether India need blush at the comparison.

    Annie Besant (1915). “How India Wrought for Freedom: The Story of the National Congress Told from Official Records”
  • This coarse and insulting way of regarding woman, as though they existed merely to be the safety-valves of men's passions, and that the best men were above the temptation of loving them, has been the source of unnumbered evils.

    Annie Besant (2012). “Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History”, p.200, Jazzybee Verlag
  • It is not monogamy when there is one legal wife, and mistresses out of sight.

    "Cultural and Religious Heritage of India: Islam". Book by Suresh K. Sharma, Usha Sharm, 2004.
  • In morals, theosophy builds its teachings on the unity, seeing in each form the expression of a common life, and therefore the fact that what injures one injures all. To do evil i.e., to throw poison into the life-blood of humanity, is a crime against the unity.

  • I was a wife and mother, blameless in moral life, with a deep sense of duty and a proud self-respect; it was while I was this that doubt struck me, and while I was in the guarded circle of the home, with no dream of outside work or outside liberty, that I lost all faith in Christianity.

    Annie Besant (1893). “Annie Besant: An Autobiography”
  • 'Nature is conquered by obedience' - and her resistless energies are at our bidding, as soon as we, by knowledge, work with them and not against them. We can choose out of her boundless stores the forces that serve our purpose in momentum, in direction, and so on, and their very invariability becomes the guarantee of our success.

    Annie Besant (2012). “The Theosophical Writings of Annie Besant”, p.959, Jazzybee Verlag
  • The position of the Atheist is a clear and reasonable one. I know nothing about ‘God’ and therefore I do not believe in Him or in it; what you tell me about your God is self‐contradictory, and therefore incredible. I do not deny ‘God,’ which is an unknown tongue to me; I do deny your God, who is an impossibility. I am without God.

    Annie Besant (1893). “Annie Besant: An Autobiography”
  • Out of right thinking comes right practice. It is not true that it does not matter what a man believes. It is not true to say, as many say, that a man's beliefs do not matter, it is only his conduct which is of importance; no lasting right conduct grows out of wrong belief. If you think falsely, you will act mistakenly; if you think basely, your conduct will suit your thinking.

    "The Wisdom of the Upanishats: Four Lectures Delivered at the Thirty-first Anniversary Meeting of the Theosophical Society, at Adyar, December, 1906".
  • Premonitions, presentiments, the sensing of unseen presences and many allied experiences are due to the activity of the astral body and its reaction on the physical; their ever-increasing frequency is merely the result of its evolution among educated people.

  • The highest Hindu intellectual training was based on the practice of yoga, and produced, as its fruit, those marvellous philosophical systems, the six Darshanas and the Brahma Sutras, which are still the delight of scholars and the inspiration of occultists and mystics.

  • In a 50 mile radius around Chicago one can see the red aura of pain, agony, terror, anger from all the animals being butchered there.

  • Every person, every race, every nation, has its own particular keynote which it brings to the general chord of life and of humanity.

    Annie Besant (1917). “The Birth of New India: A Collection of Writings and Speeches on Indian Affairs”
  • That is the true definition of sin; when knowing right you do the lower, ah, then you sin. Where there is no knowledge, sin is not present.

  • All men die. You may say: 'Is that encouraging?' Surely yes, for when a man dies, his blunders, which are of the form, all die with him, but the things in him that are part of the life never die, although the form be broken.

    Annie Besant (1917). “The Birth of New India: A Collection of Writings and Speeches on Indian Affairs”
  • Continents may break up, continents may emerge, but the human race is immortal in its origin and in its growth, and there is nothing to be afraid of, even if the foundations of the earth be moved.

  • Better remain silent, better not even think, if you are not prepared to act.

    Annie Besant (1917). “The Birth of New India: A Collection of Writings and Speeches on Indian Affairs”
  • The idea of reverence for God is transmitted from parent to child, it is educated into an abnormal development, and thus almost indefinitely strengthened, but yet it does appear to me that the bent to worship is an integral part of man's nature.

    Annie Besant (2014). “My Path to Atheism”, p.169, The Floating Press
  • Where love rules, laws are not needed.

    Annie Besant (1912). “Theosophy”, London [etc.] T. C. & E. C. Jack; New York, Dodge publishing Company [1912]
  • Yoga is a science, and not a vague dreamy drifting or imagining.

    Annie Besant (2016). “The Nature and Practice of Yoga”, p.13, BookRix
  • The world, with all its beauty, its happiness and suffering, its joys and pains, is planned with the utmost ingenuity, in order that the powers of the Self may be shown forth in manifestation.

    Annie Besant (2016). “The Nature and Practice of Yoga”, p.4, BookRix
  • Never forget that life can only be nobly inspired and rightly lived if you take it bravely and gallantly, as a splendid adventure in which you are setting out into an unknown country, to face many a danger, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle.

  • Evil is only imperfection, that which is not complete, which is becoming, but has not yet found its end.

    "The Immediate Future: Lectures Delivered in Queen's Hall, London, 1911". Book by Annie Besant, 1922.
  • The orthodox believers in God are divided into two camps, one of which maintains that the existence of God is as demonstrable as any mathematical proposition, while the other asserts that his existence is not demonstrable to the intellect.

    Annie Besant (2012). “The Theosophical Writings of Annie Besant”, p.219, Jazzybee Verlag
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