Barbra Streisand Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Barbra Streisand's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Singer-songwriter Barbra Streisand's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 167 quotes on this page collected since April 24, 1942! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • It's true that I have a very healthy ego; anybody who creates does.

  • I just don't like the idea of her singing my songs. Who the hell does she thinks she is? The world doesn't need another Streisand! (on Diana Ross)

  • For me, one of the most disturbing elements of the right wing's political agenda is that it believes that there is one correct spiritual and moral path for all people to follow. The danger inherent in this is its explicit refusal to accept anyone who happens to lead a different lifestyle, and the condemnation of those who differ.

  • We cannot let the right wing roll back more than thirty years of social progress.

    Barbra Streisand's Letter to Democrats, April 2, 2001.
  • Eighteenth century American furniture and the design of the architects Greene and Greene are my special love.

  • When I was a teenager in New York, I was buying antique clothes. I still am.

  • I started going to acting school when I was 14, and I would always have my own take on things.

  • I also have intense relationships with furniture... probably because we practically had none when I was growing up.

    Barbra Streisand (2010). “My Passion for Design”, p.23, Penguin
  • I don't feel like a legend. I feel like a work in progress.

  • I'm not that ambitious any more. I just like my privacy. I wish I really wasn't talked about at all.

  • You know, for me, the realization that two people should have the right to form a sacred union regardless of their gender was strengthened when I saw a performance of the play The Normal Heart in 1985. After feeling the love those two men had for each other, I dare anybody not to want them to get married by the end.

  • Myths are a waste of time. They prevent progression.

    "Myths vs. Facts: Playing the True or False Game in Entrepreneurship, Part 2" by Penina Rybak, February 11, 2014.
  • I knew that with a mouth like mine, I just hadda be a star or something.

  • Why is it people who want the truth never believe it when they hear it?

    "Yentl". 1983.
  • Art does not exist only to entertain, but also to challenge one to think, to provoke, even to disturb, in a constant search for truth.

  • I only began to sing because I couldn't get a job as an actress.

    "Barbra Streisand: I refused Marlon Brando's advances" by Katie McLaughlin, December 14, 2012.
  • I think, is wonderful about growing older, is appreciation for the miracle of existence, of life. I thank God every day. I also do believe that belief and imagination manifests reality. And therefore, even though it took twenty-five years, I did find the house, eventually, and the man I could live with.

  • I can take any truth; just don't lie to me.

    "Oprah Talks to Barbra Streisand". Interview with Oprah Winfrey, October, 2006.
  • In the music business, we all do different things, but we sit there and admire other people who can write a song differently or sing differently. It's not so competitive.

  • I was a personality before I became a person.

  • The moral immune system of this country has been weakened and attacked, and the AIDS virus is the perfect metaphor for it. The malignant neglect of the last twelve years has led to breakdown of our country's immune system, environmentally, culturally, politically, spiritually and physically.

  • Part of our society kills what it loves, despises what it's created. It really hates success.

  • Thank God there were a couple of people in my life who said, "Go on, go on - you can do it!

  • I was raised on the streets, in hot, steamy Brooklyn, with stifled air.

  • Moviemakers can be late to a subject, or afraid, but often they are brave and ahead of their time.

  • I am a nice person. I care about my driver having lunch, you know.

  • The result [Republicans winning the Senate] would be devastating for reproductive choice, the environment, civil liberties, Social Security and health care, as well as corporate accountability.

  • I've always liked working really hard and then doing nothing in particular. So, consequently, I didn't overexpose myself; I guess I maintained a kind of mystery. I wasn't ambitious.

    "Barbra Streisand: The Legend" by Sheila Weller, October 30, 2013.
  • I'm interested in the truth, and unauthorized biographies are not. Yes, I would like to correct those errors someday.

    "Barbra Streisand: Dream House Interview" by James Reginato, November 22, 2010.
  • I don't like the word 'superstar'. It has ridiculous implications. These words - star, stupor, superstar, stupid star - they're misleading. It's a myth.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 167 quotes from the Singer-songwriter Barbra Streisand, starting from April 24, 1942! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!