Bruce Coville Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Bruce Coville's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Bruce Coville's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 13 quotes on this page collected since May 16, 1950! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • The first draft of a story is the writer's clay.

  • I am ignoring you. In fact, I think you are a figment of my imagination.

  • Protective learn to use it to get along in the world if you want. Only I got sick of living in the box the world prescribed; it was far to small to hold me. So I knocked down a few walls.

  • Hey, Geekoid!" yelled Duncan Dougal, "Why do you read so much? Don't you know how to watch TV?

    Bruce Coville (2014). “My Teacher Is an Alien”, p.1, Simon and Schuster
  • Wherever they may have come from, and wherever they may have gone, unicorns live inside the true believer's heart. Which means as long as we can dream, there will be unicorns.

  • Sometimes when you mend a chain, the place where you fix it is strongest of all... Never was a chain that couldn't be broken. Sometimes its even a good idea.

  • If you don’t jump, the wings never come.

  • There's lots of kinds of chains. You can't see most of them, the one's that bind folks together. But people build them, link by link. Sometimes the links are weak, snap like this one did. That's another funny thing, now that I think of it. Sometimes when you mend a chain, the place where you fix it is strongest of all.

  • The real heroes are the librarians and teachers who at no small risk to themselves refuse to lie down and play dead for censors.

  • Gadfangled girl things, always robbed me of my common sense.

  • Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship.

  • Nothing you love is lost. Not really. Things, people—they always go away, sooner or later. You can’t hold them, any more than you can hold moonlight. But if they’ve touched you, if they’re inside you, then they’re still yours. The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart.

  • All these guys picking on smart kids and calling them geeks and dweebs are going to grow up and want to know why they don't do something about the terrible state the world is in. I can tell you why. By the time they grow up, most of the kids who realy could have changed things are wrecked.

    Bruce Coville (2013). “My Teacher Glows in the Dark”, p.6, Simon and Schuster
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 13 quotes from the Author Bruce Coville, starting from May 16, 1950! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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