Donald Miller Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Donald Miller's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Donald Miller's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since August 12, 1971! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Let probability and sample size do the heavy lifting.

  • In an age in which we can project an image and score that image based on immediate Facebook and Twitter feedback, thus making a video game of life and a false-reality composed of lies, what gets lost is a joyful obsession with the work we create from the purest of motives, a sheer joy in the act of creation itself that causes us to lose ourselves in something else, and in a way die to ourselves over the absolute love of a thing we are breathing into life.

  • All the trees are losing their leaves, and not one of them is worried.

    FaceBook post by Donald Miller from Oct 16, 2012
  • There are about 360,000 churches in America, so we could mentor a million kids within a short period of time if everyone signed on, which, of course, is a pipedream, but we're going to reach toward that.

  • There's no authoritarian structure at Reed College, but the education is conservative. So what you have is a lot of students who are very authentically looking for truth.

  • We live in a world where bad stories are told, stories that teach us life doesn't mean anything and that humanity has no great purpose. It's a good calling, then, to speak a better story. How brightly a better story shines. How easily the world looks to it in wonder. How grateful we are to hear these stories, and how happy it makes us to repeat them.

    Donald Miller (2009). “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life”, p.248, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • They are lonely. I'm not talking about lonely for a lover or a friend. I mean lonely in the universal sense, lonely inside the understanding that we are tiny people on a tiny little earth suspended in an endless void that echoes past stars and stars of stars.

    Donald Miller (2007). “Miller 3-in-1: Blue Like Jazz, Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God”, p.58, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn't resolve. But I was outside the Bagdad Theater in Portland one night when I saw a man playing the saxophone. I stood there for fifteen minutes, and he never opened his eyes.

    Donald Miller (2012). “Blue Like Jazz: Movie Edition: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality”, p.7, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • When I was in love there was somebody in the world who was more important than me, and that, given all that happened at the fall of man, is a miracle, like something God forgot to curse.

    Donald Miller (2007). “Miller 3-in-1: Blue Like Jazz, Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God”, p.87, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • It is when people do not allow God to show up through them ... that the world collapses in on itself.

    Donald Miller (2009). “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life”, p.118, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • I think it's very hard for us, for Christians, to understand that it's okay to read a book, for instance, on how to manage your time. There's nothing wrong with that.

  • Without the Christian explanation of original sin, the seemingly silly story of Adam and Eve and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, there was no explanation of conflict. At all.

    Donald Miller (2012). “Blue Like Jazz: Movie Edition: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality”, p.32, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Instead of asking what it feels like to follow God or be used by God, we should be asking who God is, and whether we really know Him. Everything else will take care of itself.

  • Meaningful stories have lots and lots of conflict. If we avoid conflict, our stories won't be meaningful.

    Twitter post from Aug 10, 2015
  • Great stories move through fear.

  • If the abortion issue is important to me, this is how you tackle that issue.

  • I will love you like God, because of God, mighted by the power of God. I will stop expecting your love, demanding your love, trading for your love, gaming for your love. I will simply love. I am giving myself to you, and tomorrow I will do it again. I suppose the clock itself will wear thin its time before I am ended at this altar of dying and dying again. God risked Himself on me. I will risk myself on you. And together, we will learn to love, and perhaps then, and only then, understand this gravity that drew Him, unto us.

    Donald Miller (2012). “Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality”, p.150, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • And so I have come to understand that strength, inner strength, comes from receiving love as much as it comes from giving it.

    Donald Miller (2007). “Miller 3-in-1: Blue Like Jazz, Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God”, p.131, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Imagine, a Being with a mind as great as God's, with feet like trees and a voice like rushing wind, telling you that you are His cherished creation.

    Donald Miller (2004). “Searching for God Knows What”, p.46, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • For me, the beginning of sharing my faith with people began by throwing out Christianity and embracing Christian spirituality, a nonpolitical mysterious system that can be experienced but not explained.

    Donald Miller (2007). “Miller 3-in-1: Blue Like Jazz, Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God”, p.70, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Truth grew in my mind like a fungus, and though I tried to sleep it out, there was no resisting the epiphanies.

  • He said to me I was a tree in a story about a forest, and that it was arrogant of me to believe any differently. And he told me the story of the forest is better than the story of the tree.

    "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life". Book by Donald Miller, September 2009.
  • The thing I loved about her was that I never felt like she was selling anything. She would talk to God as if she knew Him, as if she had talked to Him on the phone that day. She was never ashamed which is the thing with some Christians I had encountered.

    Donald Miller (2007). “Miller 3-in-1: Blue Like Jazz, Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God”, p.28, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • I have sometimes wondered if the greatest desire of man is to be known and loved anyway.

    Donald Miller (2007). “Miller 3-in-1: Blue Like Jazz, Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God”, p.198, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • I posted chapters online and let people give feedback, and I was surprised at how much of that feedback I actually used for the book.I posted chapters online and let people give feedback, and I was surprised at how much of that feedback I actually used for the book. It was a different process for me, but I liked it.

  • It is worthy of note that the Chinese and Japanese characters for money and gold are the same.

  • If the point of life is the same as the point of a story, the point of life is character transformation. If I got any comfort as I set out on my first story, it was that in nearly every story, the protagonist is transformed. He's a jerk at the beginning and nice at the end, or a coward at the beginning and brave at the end. If the character doesn't change, the story hasn't happened yet. And if story is derived from real life, if story is just condensed version of life then life itself may be designed to change us so that we evolve from one kind of person to another.

    Donald Miller (2009). “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life”, p.68, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • There is something beautiful about a billion stars held steady by a God who knows what He is doing. (They hang there, the stars, like notes on a page of music, free-form verse, silent mysteries swirling in the blue like jazz.) And as I lay there, it occurred to me that God is up there somewhere.

    Donald Miller (2012). “Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality”, p.100, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • The greatest stories go to those who don’t give in to fear.

    Donald Miller (2009). “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life”, p.108, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • ...a beggar's kingdom is better than a proud man's delusion.

    Donald Miller (2007). “Miller 3-in-1: Blue Like Jazz, Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God”, p.55, Thomas Nelson Inc
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 2 quotes from the Author Donald Miller, starting from August 12, 1971! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!