Eric Burdon Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Eric Burdon's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Singer-songwriter Eric Burdon's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since May 11, 1941! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Eric Burdon: Animals more...
  • Everything I do - if I do it, is going to be personal.

  • I look upon The Animals, they were a great band initially, we left our mark, but thing was it was a band that couldn't live up to its name so I soldiered on. On one level, it was devastating for a while. On another level, maybe I should thank them for helping me make my own way in my own career.

  • I don't think I've ever changed. I am only one person, it's just me. I'm confident and I'm quite happy with who I am, but it's my life and I'll be what I want.

  • I'm not bitter, I'm bittersweet.

  • The basis of everything that I plugged into when I was younger was blues, and it always stayed with me.

  • I live my life, breathless... A life of constant motion and excitement. A life that many will envy and most would avoid!

  • I tried to reach the combatants with my music. I tried to turn my anger into something positive. Myself, and others like me, just tried to keep rock and roll alive.

  • OK, I've had a life of sort of success, some people know who I am but a lot of people don't. I feel the need to change that still.

  • It's more important what you leave to people on this planet. I want my legacy to exist now, currently, not after I'm gone.

  • In a nut shell, air travel is the worst part about touring.

  • As far as the Animals breaking up - it was my fault. I wanted out. We took it to the max, as far as we could take it. Our reunion tour in 1983 went pretty good until we left America. Then we pushed it too hard and it fell apart.

  • Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other.

  • My voice? Yeah, well, I used to drink a lot of beer when I was a kid and I sounded like a drunk in a choir. I don't drink anymore.

  • I feel great that I've been given a chance in the golden years of my life. To me, it's the last battle, and I've been given a chance to get stuck in some good armament, some good power, and there's a chance that now I can finish off my working years with my head held high.

  • I've got a great dislike of reunions. It's a little like trying to go back and relive the best parts of your life, but you can't do it. Nothing is ever the same.

  • Recording - once something's done, it's done, there's not much you can do about it. It's out there and you just have to pray to the gods.

  • From my personal point of view, the Animals are dead. They killed themselves.

  • In the day-to-day life of a traveling musician, it's easy to miss so many details. The world goes by at high-speed; it will take your breath away.

  • I may sing the same songs for over 40 years now but I always sing them in different ways in order to keep the excitement and passion alive.

  • I don't think Jimi committed suicide in the conventional way. He just decided to exit when he wanted to.

  • Eventually I would like to reach the stage where I don't have to write about love and kisses and all that stuff. I wish I could write about really ultimate things. That's where I think all of us want to go, really. All the groups seem to be heading towards a kind of pop music that deals with ultimate things.

  • Britain, and my hometown, will always be with me wherever I go and whatever I do - but I prefer to live in California.

  • Everything changes and, somewhere along the line, I'm changing with it.

  • I'm really still a child of the Forties. I still think about it a lot, about the repercussions of armed conflict. Until 1953 we had rationing. We couldn't buy meat, we couldn't buy pleasurable goods like cigarettes and sweets. I didn't starve - my family were lucky - but I knew what it was like standing in line waiting for foodstuffs.

  • You've got to create a dream. You've got to uphold the dream. If you can't, go back to the factory or go back to the desk.

  • This really blew my mind, the fact that me, an over fed, long haired, leaping gnome, should be the star of a Hollywood movie.

    Song: Spill the Wine
  • My activism was, and is, unknown, unannounced, but somehow effective.

  • It's the need for change that drives us to join forces with our brothers and sisters all around the world - but change is slow.

  • I did have a life before the Animals, and I'm trying constantly to prove that I have a life after the Animals. People tend to forget that I was the frontman with War for two years. People sort of have compartmental memories.

  • I have a life beyond performance. I love it, and it probably is the better part of my life, but I do have another life.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Singer-songwriter Eric Burdon, starting from May 11, 1941! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Eric Burdon quotes about: Animals