Gary Yourofsky Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Gary Yourofsky's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Gary Yourofsky's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 53 quotes on this page collected since August 19, 1970! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Gary Yourofsky: Animal Rights Animals Commodities Injustice Veganism more...
  • Sometimes I think that the only effective and productive method of destroying speciesism would be for each uncaring human to be forced to live the life of a cow on a feedlot, or a monkey in a laboratory, or an elephant in the circus, or a bull in a rodeo, or a mink on a fur farm. Then people would be awakened from their soporific states and finally understand the horrors that are inflicted on the animal kingdom by the vilest species to ever roam this planet: the human animal!

  • It is not your right—based on YOUR traditions, YOUR customs and YOUR habits—to deny animals THEIR freedom so you can harm them, enslave them and kill them. Thats not what rights are about. Thats injustice. There is no counter-argument to veganism. Accept it. Apologize for the way youve been living. Make amends and move forward.

  • Religion, media and schools tell us to disregard animals, view them as commodities, property and resources, and convince us that animals cannot think clearly, nor act morally or altruistically, nor experience love and hatred, or kindness and terror, in the same way that we can.

  • I simply wish my parents would have taught me about speciesism and how it was just as evil as racism, sexism and heterosexism. Sadly, my parents were lied to by their parents who were lied to by their parents and so on.

  • It's time to reconnect to the natural world for the sake of the animals, and our collective conscience. Because without spiritual health there can be no physical health.

  • Every time you have a glass of cow milk, some calf is not.

  • What we must do is start viewing every cow, pig, chicken, monkey, rabbit, mouse, and pigeon as our family members.

  • Have you ever known an alcoholic, a cigarette smoker, or a heroin user to be rational when it came to alcohol, cigarettes, or heroin? Of course not. And there is NO such thing as a rational - or ethical - meat, dairy, egg and honey-eater when it comes to animal issues and whether humans should be enslaving, murdering and eating animals, or using them as test subjects, clothing and entertainment.

  • Thou shalt not kill: the four most important, and yet, most ignored words in all religious teachings. There is not an asterisk next to that commandment saying, “Unless you walk on all four and have fur, feathers, horns, beaks or gills.

  • I am no longer taking part in the intentional, premeditated murder of innocent beings.

  • No human influenced me to become vegan. The screaming, terrified, enslaved animals were the only influence needed.

  • Addicts are ALWAYS irrational when it comes to their habits.

  • Our society pushes "family" because once people have families, the chance of becoming active lessens.

  • If it's not good enough for your eyes, why is it good enough for your stomach?

  • If an 'animal abuser' were killed in a research lab firebombing, I would unequivocally support that, too.

  • De-programming the perfunctory ways of meat, dairy, egg and honey-eaters is possible. Conservatively speaking, my lectures have converted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, while hundreds of thousands more have significantly reduced their meat, cheese, milk, honey and egg intake. Abolition and reduction are the only proper ways to end a Holocaust.

  • Men in America were terrified that if women got an equal say in society, the system would collapse and their lives would be valued less. Whites in America were scared that if blacks obtained their freedom and equality, the system would collapse and their lives would be devalued. Heterosexuals are terrified that the psychotic institution of marriage will collapse if gays are given their right to marry. And humans are terrified that if animals are liberated and no longer viewed as inferior subordinates, human life will be valued less.

  • When women and blacks were let in, the system didn't miss a beat. When gays are given their equality, the system will be as stable/unstable as it was before. And when animals are liberated one day, the world will be a beautiful place and the system will still function.

  • The propaganda machine is endless. Religion, media and schools spew intentional lies and misinformation about proper human-to-animal relationships.

  • Lobbying, protesting, letter-writing, American media, civil disobedience, and preaching pacifism ad nauseum, along with EDUCATION is the most effective way to enlighten the masses. Welfare concessions/campaigns, are counterproductive and simply ineffective in this day and age.

  • The vicious cycle of violence is real. But if people simply stopped listening to their ignorant parents, their biased religions, their corrupt government and the prejudicial media, change would be quite easy. All it takes is courageous, fearless, unique individuals to make substantive change in this world. Unfortunately, there are very few courageous and fearless people.

  • If you are not the victim, don't examine it entirely from your point of view because when YOU'RE not the victim, it becomes pretty easy to rationalize and excuse cruelty, injustice, inequality, slavery, and even murder. But when you're the victim, things look a lot differently from that angle.

    Speech to the students of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Summer 2010.
  • It's not about loving animals. It's about fighting injustice. My whole goal is for humans to have as little contact as possible with animals.

  • The problem is that humans have victimized animals to such a degree that they are not even considered victims. They are not even considered at all. They are nothing. They don't count; they don't matter; they're commodities like TV sets and cell phones. We have actually turned animals into inanimate objects - sandwiches and shoes.

  • How would you feel, if the day that you were born, somebody else had already planned the day of your execution?

    "Full Transcript: Gary Yourofsky on Animal Rights and Veganism at Georgia Tech 2010 (Q&A Included)". 2010.
  • Protecting the weak is the first step to enlightenment and being truly civilized.

  • Concerning B12, 39% of Americans have a B12 deficiency yet only 1% of Americans are vegan. How can this be a vegan issue? And if nearly everyone in America is sick or has died from a disease, yet only 1% is vegan, how can sickness be a vegan problem?

  • Veganism can resurrect Eden and create heaven on Earth. We can have a place where humans view animals in awe, and animals view humans with a curious aloofness.

  • You know what’s more insane than [slaughterhouses]? Meat eaters. Walking around, acting like their lifestyle isn’t causing any harm.

  • As for uniqueness, this is virtually nonexistent! And it's a shame that people think they're unique because they have a face ring, retro clothing, colorful hair, drive a certain kind of automobile or listen to some obscure musician.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 53 quotes from the Gary Yourofsky, starting from August 19, 1970! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Gary Yourofsky quotes about: Animal Rights Animals Commodities Injustice Veganism