Jared Harris Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Jared Harris's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actor Jared Harris's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 34 quotes on this page collected since August 24, 1961! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Jared Harris: Character Children more...
  • In the old patrician world there was a custom once a week you had to eat a meal with your slaves and get to know them as people.

    Source: collider.com
  • You get ideas from other people all the time.

  • I never lost an argument and my parents assumed I would be a lawyer. They cast me in that role.

    Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
  • I've auditioned for normal characters. But I never get cast.

    "Jared Harris brings English civility to "Mad Men"". Interview with Sarah Kuhn, uk.reuters.com. July 30, 2010.
  • Marriages had different meanings back then than they do now, they were used to cement agreements between families, business deals and things like that. The idea of marriages being arranged for love is some sort of modern idea, really.

    Source: collider.com
  • I like the adrenaline of live performance, whatever that is, appearing in front of an audience of any kind, whether it's one or a hundred or a thousand. It gives you a buzz of adrenaline, its exciting. The thing about that is that you want to make those nerves work for you in terms of an energy that's appropriate for the part and the performance, and not to distract the people who are watching so that they become nervous for you.

    Source: collider.com
  • When preparing for a role, a month is a luxury. Sometimes you've maybe got two weeks before you start on something. So you have to learn how to do it quickly. And the longer you have a role, that it lives in your imagination, the more you're going to be able to contribute when you get on set. Because it's really about your subconscious having time to sit with the part, so you're out doing something and then something occurs to you, you know?

    Source: collider.com
  • Very few movies I've done I regret being involved in.

  • One of the things that I was interested in about Moriarty was - he's so manipulative that he doesn't need to commit violence himself or kill people - he can get everyone to do what he needs to do. And sometimes they don't even know that they are being manipulated by him.

    Source: collider.com
  • I wasn't aware of my dad being an actor when I was young. I remember there was an Australian children's entertainer on television called Ralph Harris and when I'd say my father was an actor, kids would say, you know, 'oh, is he Ralph Harris?' And I had to say no and then they would lose interest.

  • Normally death scenes are good, if you have a significant death scene and it means something it's like the audience has an attachment to you being killed that's a good thing.

    Source: collider.com
  • I think at some point every actor has practiced their acceptance speech while they're having a shower. It's fun.

  • If you only take parts that are offered to you, you end up playing the same roles over and over again. I think it's important to keep auditioning. I think it's important to scare yourself; to take parts that are outside of your comfort zone.

    Source: collider.com
  • You can't really do a lot of research for being a mass manipulating, murdering super-villain.

    Source: collider.com
  • If you want to do your version, go off and write it. You bring your knowledge to it, and you can use that to shape it and color it, but it's someone else's version of that character. You're not actually playing the real person.

    Source: collider.com
  • Matt Weiner is an amazing writer. He's one of the best, greatest writers that's ever written for television, or just written.

    Source: collider.com
  • When you're at drama school you spend so much time working on amazing texts and analyzing them, digging into them, and figuring out why it happens, why you are being asked to say what you're saying, and what the words mean. But then when you start working, most of the stuff would just fall apart if you subject it to that kind of scrutiny.

    Source: www.indielondon.co.uk
  • It's important to keep auditioning. If you're auditioning for something, you're auditioning for a role that people can't see you in and you need to convince them that you're the right person.

    Source: collider.com
  • I keep mementos from everything I've done.

    "Q&A – Jared Harris (Lane Pryce)". Interview with Brian Fegter, www.amc.com. April 2012.
  • I think you always learn something in every character you play onstage, either personally or creatively.

  • I remember thinking, 'I'll audition just once and if it doesn't work out I'll never think about it ever again.'

  • I keep mementos from everything I've done. I've got my cab driver's license from 'Happiness.' I've got a pair of glasses and a belt buckle from playing John Lennon. I've got a pair of sunglasses from playing Andy Warhol... It's all in a box in the garage.

    "Q&A – Jared Harris (Lane Pryce)". Interview with Brian Fegter, www.amc.com.
  • I've done quite a lot of dying on shows and in movies. To have a good death scene though - come on, it's brilliant. I love a good death scene!

    "Lane’s Suicide On ‘Mad Men’: Jared Harris On His Comical Then Very Tragic Goodbye To The Show". Interview with Maggie Furlong, www.huffingtonpost.com. June 4, 2012.
  • When you see natural disasters caught on film you realize how well they had been imagined by Hollywood for such a long time. It's all good fun. You never know who's gonna survive and who doesn't.

    Source: collider.com
  • People are fascinated by evil because its mysterious and it doesnt seem to have a rationale behind it, and the second you say that Hannibal Lector was abducted as a child and he had to eat his sister or something like that, it becomes immediately mundane. The character becomes mundane.

  • People are fascinated by evil because it's mysterious and it doesn't seem to have a rational behind it.

    "Exclusive: Jared Harris Talks THE WARD, MAD MEN, FRINGE, SHERLOCK HOLMES 2, STAR TREK, Movie Villains, More". Interview with Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, collider.com. July 6, 2011.
  • Often in films there's more of allowing the actors to make the dialogue fit better in their own. Also, you get to a location and the geography is different, so the lines don't line up the right way, so you do have to change stuff.

    Source: collider.com
  • I was 17, and all I wanted to do was to get away from England and the awful, boring boarding schools I'd been going to there. The last one was taught by monks, and I couldn't wait to get out.

  • I like challenges. If you're involved, as one is, in filmmaking, you want to challenge yourself. You don't want to repeat what you're done before.

    Source: collider.com
  • I thought if I went somewhere where I didn't know anybody and they didn't know me I could start all over again.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 34 quotes from the Actor Jared Harris, starting from August 24, 1961! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Jared Harris quotes about: Character Children