John Assaraf Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of John Assaraf's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author John Assaraf's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 93 quotes on this page collected since January 1, 1961! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • If a steaming hot potato fell in your hands you would get it off you as soon as you could. Do the same with negative destructive thoughts- just release them as fast as you can.

    FaceBook post by John Assaraf from Jan 28, 2013
  • It is all about love. It is all about caring. We are all in this game together, we are all connected. You may not be able to see it with your eyes but if you go to the Quantum Universe, some of the physics of nature, we are all connected.

  • What I think is critically important is that there are lots of studies on how prayer effects people that are ill, lots of studies, and I know in my life my prayers have been answered.

    Prayer   People  
  • The most wonderful gift one human being can give to another, is in some way, to make that person's life a little bit better to live.

    Giving   Littles   Way  
    FaceBook post by John Assaraf from Dec 27, 2016
  • If you want to earn a million bucks a year, eliminate mediocrity from your thinking and your life.

  • Keep your chin up. No one expected you to save the world, otherwise you would have been born wearing a cape and tights. Just do the best you can.

  • Children have a ton of mirror neurons when they are babies and kids and they mimic what they see and so heroes are important because we are watching these heroes make a difference in these peoples lives and sacrificing their lives in some cases and I think it is really important to know that it is not just about us but about the community.

  • We can have whatever it is we choose, I don't care how big it is. You become what you think about, but you also attract what you think about most.

  • Your life can not be all about stuff that you love or even like. Your life is going to be about ups and downs and that is just part of the journey.

  • I pray everyday, all the time. Prayer is when you are actually experiencing a conversation with divine intelligence.

  • If you do not master the art of self discipline- you will succumb to the emotions and reality of regret.

    FaceBook post by John Assaraf from Jul 29, 2014
  • Be purposeful. Be patient, and be active!

    John Assaraf, Murray Smith (2008). “The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life”, p.63, Simon and Schuster
  • The reason you have what you have is because that is what you have decided to settle for right now. Change your mind, change your life.

    FaceBook post by John Assaraf from Jun 03, 2014
  • To having no self esteem to feeling wonderful about yourself doing what you love to do and making the money that you want to be making. That is my contribution to humanity.

  • I am loving a lot. I am just loving and loving and loving. A lot of people around me really see a love in me and a love in themselves.

  • Anyone can stay the same. It takes courage to change

    FaceBook post by John Assaraf from Aug 22, 2013
  • Do more of what you love, less of what you tolerate and none of what you hate.

    FaceBook post by John Assaraf from Mar 07, 2017
  • I have studied all the sciences and all the major religions and can sum it up in one sentence. We become, have and attract what we think about and act upon correctly the most.

  • Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want, and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe, and that's the law of attraction. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most.

  • Don't look at prayer as me asking God to give me something, like some type of cosmic bell captain, look at prayer as my communication with the quantum intelligence, the divine intelligence that we have out there and that is how things are manifested.

  • I don't look at myself as a hero, I look at myself as somebody who has taken life with a lot of fun and I take it very seriously, I know it s a very short journey and so I want to grow, I want to develop, I want to be as good as I can be so I can share what all my talents and gifts allow me to share with other individuals to make their lives better.

  • I was putting too much stress on my body and not living a healthy life style, I wasn't taking care of myself. I was able to turn that around by having a belief in myself and trusting God and then doing what it took to get healthy again.

  • I think forgiveness is a release of emotions, a release to say "No I let go". I think it is critical for our mental health being and our physical health being and I think it is critical for our universal being as well to forgive each other.

  • You don't become a hero by choosing to become a hero. You become a hero by becoming an example, by being an example for what's possible, for being an example for one person.

  • One of my core beliefs is that everything happens for a reason and some things just aren't to my taste. All the things that happen in my life are divinely inspired and they happen for a purpose.

  • I think heroism is when somebody really goes above and beyond the call of duty and does something outstanding for either themselves or somebody else.

  • Practice to look stupid, practice to look like you are not good enough or smart enough where you couldn't do things right and get over it anyway. The truth of the matter is we are all going to feel that way.

  • I don't care whether you are me or Michael Jordan, it makes no difference we are all going to feel that way but it is what we do about what we feel that isn't comfortable that separates the people who do really well verses the people who just meek out existence.

  • The people that do understand how the brain works and how the chemicals are released in the brain when they feel uncomfortable, uncertain or doubtful they do it anyway. They overcome the biological and neurological releases by understanding what's causing them and moving forward anyway.

  • I believe that anyone who is serious and committed to pay the price of learning, discipline and taking the right actions in the right order and at the right times can achieve and become financially successful. In addition, having perseverance and relentless pursuit are great qualities ... that will help.

    FaceBook post by John Assaraf from Jul 09, 2010
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