Kristin Cashore Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Kristin Cashore's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Kristin Cashore's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 239 quotes on this page collected since 1976! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • It was just that she had the need to tell him something honest, something honest and unhappy, because cheerful lies tonight were too depressing and too sharp, turning in on her like pins

    Kristin Cashore (2012). “Bitterblue”, p.73, Penguin
  • And is it the way, in these kingdoms you fell from, for a woman to join forces with an unnatural child who's murdered her friend? Or is that expectation unique to you, and your infinitesimal heart?

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.235, Penguin
  • It was a hurting tune, resigned, a cry of heartache for all in the world that fell apart. As ash rose black against the brilliant sky, Fire's fiddle cried out for the dead, and for the living who stay behind to say goodbye.

  • Dear Brigan, she thought to herself. People want incongruous, impossible things. Horses do, too.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.221, Penguin
  • Katsa watched the long grass moving around them. The wind pushed it, attacked it, struck it in one place and then another. It rose and fell and rose again. It flowed, like water.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Graceling”, p.128, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • It's hard to wake from a nightmare when the nightmare is real.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.99, Penguin
  • I love you," he said. "You're more dear to my heart than I ever knew anyone else can be. And I've made you cry; and there I'll stop." She was crying, but not because of his words. It was because of a certainty she refused to consider while she sat before him.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Graceling”, p.231, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • He made her drunk, this man made her drunk; and every time his eyes flashed into hers she could not breathe.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Graceling”, p.242, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Things don't ever stay the same. Natural beginnings come to natural or unnatural ends.

  • It has been a hard lesson to learn, that greatness requires suffering.

    Kristin Cashore (2012). “Bitterblue”, p.274, Penguin
  • People want incongruous, impossible things.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.221, Penguin
  • The fellow who tends the greenhouse gardens? Trust me, Lady, you'd let him stake your tomatoes.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.108, Penguin
  • If we knew a person was going to die, we'd hold harder to the memories." Fire corrected him, in a whisper. "The good memories.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.103, Penguin
  • If she was suggesting she was too wise with the weight of her experience to fall prey to infatuation - well, the disproof was sitting before her in the form of a gray-eyed prince with a thoughtful set to his mouth that she found quite distracting.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.165, Penguin
  • Location: Amsterdam, Where Fire Is Called "Vlam

  • There isn't a simple person anywhere in this world.

  • She glanced up at him, and in that moment he pulled his wet shirt over his head. She forced her mind blank. Blank as a new sheet of paper, blank as a starless sky. He came to the fire and crouched before it. He rubbed the water from his bare arms and flicked it in the flames. She stared at the goose and sliced his drumstick carefully and thought of the blankest expression on the blankest face she could possibly imagine. It was a chilly evening; she thought about that. The goose would be delicious, they must eat as much of it as possible, they must not waste it; she thought about that.

  • It's not fair. It's not fair," she cried, knowing it was a child's argument but not caring, because being childish did not make it untrue.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.159, Hachette UK
  • What man can hate or love well when he is drugged?

  • That was a perfectly reasonable explanation," she said grumpily. "Perhaps my advisers don't lie to me." "Isn't that what you'd want?" asked Giddon. "Well, yes, but it doesn't elucidate my puzzle!" "If I may say so, Lady Queen," said Giddon, "it's not always easy to follow your conversation." "Oh, Giddon," she said, sighing. "If it's any comfort, I don't follow it either.

    Kristin Cashore (2012). “Bitterblue”, p.87, Penguin
  • When you're a monster, you are thanked and praised for not being a monster.

  • His name was Death. It was pronounced to rhyme with "teeth", but Bitterblue liked to mispronounce it by accident on occassion.

    Kristin Cashore (2012). “Bitterblue”, p.28, Penguin
  • Gratitude takes less energy than anger.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.192, Penguin
  • I wouldn't marry Giddon to save my life," Katsa said. "Not even to save yours." "Well." Raffin's eyes were full of laughter. "I'd leave that part out.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Graceling”, p.109, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Teddy grinned again. 'Truths are dangerous,' he said. -'Then why are you writing them in a book?' -'To catch them between the pages,' said Teddy, 'and trap them before they disappear.' -'If they're dangerous, why not let them disappear?' -'Because when truths disappear, they leave behind blank spaces, and that is also dangerous.

  • Living is too hard right now. Dying is easy. Let me die.

  • Still doing your best to ruin the horses, I see.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Graceling”, p.435, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Danzhol. The one with the marriage proposal and the objections to the town charter in central Monsea. "Bacon," Bitterblue muttered. "Bacon!" she repeated, then carefully made her way up the spiral stairs.

    Kristin Cashore (2012). “Bitterblue”, p.55, Penguin
  • She expected the pain, when it came. But she gasped at its sharpness; it was not like any pain she had felt before. He kissed her and slowed and would have stopped. But she laughed, and said that this one time she would consent to hurt, and bleed, at his touch. He smiled into her neck and kissed her again and she moved with him through the pain. The pain became a warmth that grew. Grew, and stopped her breath. And took her breath and her pain and her mind away from her body, so that there was nothing but her body and his body and the light and fire they made together.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Graceling”, p.242, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • I must stop wishing for things to happen. Because something will happen eventually, and when it does, I'll be bound to wish it hadn't.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Fire”, p.77, Penguin
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 239 quotes from the Writer Kristin Cashore, starting from 1976! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!