Lily Allen Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Lily Allen's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Recording Artist Lily Allen's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 65 quotes on this page collected since May 2, 1985! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Lily Allen: School Songs Writing more...
  • Nobody says anything real today. Most of those girls have their songs written by other people. It annoys me, because 'eh oh eh oh ahh' is not a chorus...

    "Lily Allen: 'I'm called mouthy but I'm just talking'". Interview with Eva Wiseman, November 17, 2013.
  • I don't really see how any song can not feel contrived if it isn't honest, and how could I write honest songs if I don't write about stuff going on in my life and how I'm feeling?

    "Lily Allen: 'I go through a major life change once a year'". Interview with Decca Aitkenhead, November 8, 2010.
  • If I could dance like the ladies can, it would have been my arse on your screens.

    "Lily Allen. Sheezus" by Lindsay Zoladz, May 8, 2014.
  • Cheryl Cole, if you're reading this, I may not be as prety as you but at least I write my own songs.

  • Periods. We all get periods. Once a month, yeah. That's what the theory is

  • I think people probably lie about not reading their own reviews. I don't think that's true - I've been to a lot of music festivals and hung out backstage, especially in the past couple of years, and I see all these bands reading about themselves in newspapers. So I don't think that's true.

    Couple   Lying   Reading  
    Interview with Tasha Robinson, February 14, 2007.
  • I love MySpace; it's done an amazing job for me and it's been insane over the past couple of weeks, but I'm not a poster girl for them.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Being on the road, the Internet enables me to interact with people in some way. It's not so much interacting with my fans - it's about doing something with what I have. I have my camera and I have my computer, and if I have some spare time, rather than watching some mindless bullshit pop-idol program on TV, why not show people my pictures and try and discuss things that I feel are important?

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, February 14, 2007.
  • You have to be in love with yourself before anyone else can fall in love with you; to be happy with yourself.

    "13 Questions With Lily Allen". AskMen Interview, December 19, 2006.
  • We're in the age of the selfie. It's just encouraging vanity. It's not even representative of anything except how you want people to perceive you. Think of when people are partying and having fun. They're like, "Hey, look at us!" You're obviously not having that much fun because otherwise you wouldn't be stopping to document it. It's stupid.

  • I think the whole, like, cultural diversity and the arty side of London is really, really great. And how it's so historic as well.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • I like to be able to get up and go and buy a pint of milk without bumping into 20 people I know.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • I was a drug dealer in Ibiza at 15. I did not excel in drug dealing - I was terrible at it. Golden rule with drug dealing - don't get too enthusiastic with your own merchandise.

    "Send us your questions for Lily Allen". April 15, 2018.
  • I still think I'm fat. Right now I'm worrying about how I'm going to lose weight after the pregnancy. I feel like an elephant, but I do get the occasional sexy pregnant day where I think I look great.

  • I quite fancy Graham Coxon. I haven't met him yet, though. I'd like to.

  • I studied voice when I was at school, and I was in the chamber choir, and I studied music theory as well, so I guess a lot of it came from being taught at school.

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, February 14, 2007.
  • I think people just probably don't want people to think that they're vain.

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, February 14, 2007.
  • I wasn't into anything at school. I used to get really embarrassed. I used to get asked to do performing things, and I'd go to all the rehearsals, and then I'd pretend to be ill on the day I had to actually perform. I was very unhappy at school.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • There's a certain amount of what I wear that I wear for irony.

  • People recognize me all the time now, and there's lots of autograph hunting and smiling. But then I get to play gigs, which are amazing. It's a good job.

  • In no way do I feel superior to anyone except paedophiles, rapists, murderers, etc.

    Lily Allen @lilyallen, November 13, 2013.
  • When I'm in New York my boyfriend buys me sneakers and vice versa.

  • Yes, I met Carl Barat [from Dirty Pretty Things] yesterday when I was at the POPWORLD TV show. He smiled at me and watched 5 minutes of my performance. I don't think I've said anything that bad about anyone, though, to be honest.

  • I think I'm like Marmite; you either love me or you hate me.

    "Personal Quotes/ Biography".
  • I always wanted to do music but never really had the confidence to do it until my first manager George Lamb, who I met out in Ibiza, encouraged me.

  • The Mail Online is like carbs - you know you shouldn't but you do. Probably two or three times a day.

    "Lily Allen: 'I'm called mouthy but I'm just talking'". Interview with Eva Wiseman, November 17, 2013.
  • You cannot compare Britney with Lady Gaga...You are putting Lady Gaga at the same level of Britney Spears? I really cannot believe it. Lady Gaga is good, but she's a new artist, Britney Spears is a legend.

    "Lily Allen Says Gaga Is 'good,' But Britney Is A 'legend'" by Chris Ryan, December 29, 2009.
  • I like them old and rich.

  • I've actually broken up with boyfriends for inspiration.

    "Lily Allen Rumored Dating Australian Singer" by, May 25, 2009.
  • All of my songs are about me and my experiences. They're very literal.

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, February 14, 2007.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 65 quotes from the Recording Artist Lily Allen, starting from May 2, 1985! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Lily Allen quotes about: School Songs Writing

    Lily Allen

    • Born: May 2, 1985
    • Occupation: Recording Artist