Rush Limbaugh Quotes About Economy

We have collected for you the TOP of Rush Limbaugh's best quotes about Economy! Here are collected all the quotes about Economy starting from the birthday of the Talk show host – January 12, 1951! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 40 sayings of Rush Limbaugh about Economy. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
All quotes by Rush Limbaugh: Abortion Abuse Accomplishment Achievement Acting Advertising Affairs Age Aging Aids Airplane Al Qaeda Aliens Ambition American Dream American Exceptionalism Animals Apologizing Appearance Arguing Army Arrogance Assumption Attitude Authority Babies Balance Beach Being The Best Belief Big Government Birth Blame Books Boundaries Brothers Bullying Bureaucracy Cancer Capitalism Caring Cars Castro Censorship Challenges Chaos Character Charity Cheating Children Choices Christ Christianity Chuck Church Cia Citizenship Civil Rights Civil War Civility Cliches Climate Change Clinton College College Education Common Sense Communism Community Compassion Competition Compromise Confusion Conservatism Conspiracy Constitution Cops Country Crime Criticism Critics Culture Dad Debate Decisions Deck Defeat Democracy Democratic Party Design Desire Dictator Dignity Discrimination Diversity Divorce Dogs Doubt Dreams Drugs Earth Eating Economic Growth Economics Economy Education System Effort Elections Electoral College Emotions Employees Enemies Energy Entitlements Environment Envy European Union Evidence Evil Excuses Exercise Expectations Eyes Failing Fairness Fate Fathers Feelings Feminism Fighting First Amendment Flight Focus Football Foreign Policy Free Market Free Speech Freedom And Liberty Frustration Fun Gas Gay Marriage Gender Giving Giving Up Global Warming Goals Gold Golf Good Works Google Gop Greatness Growing Up Growth Guilt Gun Control Guns Habits Hate Hatred Having Fun Health Care Heart Hell High School Hiring Home Honesty Honor Horses House Human Nature Humanity Hurt Husband Ideology Ignorance Illegal Immigration Immigration Inauguration Income Tax Independence Individualism Inequality Injustice Insanity Integrity Internet Islam Jets Jimmy Journalism Judging Justice Killing Labor Language Laughter Lawyers Leaving Legacy Letting Go Liberalism Liberty Life Lifetime Listening Loan Logic Los Angeles Losing Loss Lottery Luck Lying Magic Marxism Mask Mccain Meetings Memories Middle Class Military Miracles Mistakes Morality Morning Mortgages Mothers Motivation Moving Forward National Security Nerds Nuclear Weapons Offense Office Opinions Opportunity Oppression Optimism Overcoming Pain Painting Parenthood Parents Parties Passion Past Patriots Perception Perspective Pessimism Philosophy Planning Pointing Police Political Correctness Political Parties Political Philosophy Politicians Politics Pope Poverty Prayer President Obama Pride Prisons Productivity Progress Prosperity Protest Public Education Public Schools Purpose Questioning Quitting Racism Rage Reading Real World Reality Recognition Refugees Rejection Republican Party Reputation Resentment Responsibility Revolution Rice Riots Risk Rule Of Law Running School Second Amendment Security Seven Shame Skins Slavery Slaves Sleep Small Business Social Issues Social Media Socialism Son Soviet Union Speed Sports Strategy Struggle Student Loans Students Study Suffering Sunday Supreme Court Take Care Talent Taxes Tea Tea Party Teachers Teaching Team Terror Terrorism Terrorists Time Magazine Tobacco Today Torture Trade Tradition Training Transgenders Tyranny Understanding United Nations Unity Universe Utopia Values Victory Violence Virtue Voting Waiting Walking Wall War War Of The Worlds Water Wealth Welfare Whining Wife Winning Worry Writing more...
  • The Democrat Party is threatened by people whose economic circumstances improve to the point that they do not need government first and foremost. That's a threat. But this happens when the U.S. economy is humming. There is a lot of upward mobility, and people leave the lower depths of poverty and start traversing a pathway through the middle class to the upper middle class, and as they leave, the Democrats have to replace them. That is what illegal immigration has been since 1965 when Ted Kennedy reintroduced the whole concept after 40 years of no immigration from 1921 to 1965.

  • We want people to take care of themselves. We want people to provide for themselves. We want people to enjoy the fruits of their labors. We want people to enjoy reaching out and making their dreams come true. We want people to realize their life's dreams and passions. You need a growing economy for this.

  • The Democrats have to know in their hearts... I think this is one of the reasons that they're constantly enraged. They have to know that their policies do not work. They do not deliver as promised. They do not create jobs. They do not make people wealthier. They do not grow economies. They do not make sure everybody has health care. Everything they promise, none of it actually happens, and the more of what they implement happens, the worse it gets for everybody. There's a reason they're losing elections.

  • The economy working - the economy growing, corporations growing and hiring people and wage increases occurring - is the worst thing that can happen politically for the Democrat Party.

  • The media is terribly worried that Donald Trump is going to influence people. The media will tell you, I mean, crazy Mika, Ms. Brzezinski, actually said that she worries that Trump may actually end up controlling what people think on jobs and the economy. And it's not the president's job, it's the media's job to tell people, to determine people exactly what they think.

  • Common sense! It's nothing more than common sense for the preservation of our culture, the preservation of our country, the preservation and growth of our economy. And yet Jim Acosta and Glenn Thrush - and everybody in the press corps and practically every other Democrat - hears this and the only reaction they have is, "No compassion! No compassion for the less fortunate! No compassion for the victims of the world!"

  • Common, ordinary, everyday Democrats, not leftists, there may be - if the agenda gets implemented and this country starts humming on the domestic side and if jobs come back and if the economy gets up to 3% growth and is sustained and the job market expands accordingly and people's wages go up, it won't matter.

  • Liberalism, communism, socialism are about denying individual liberty and creating a collective with a top down command-and-control government and economy. Conservatives are individuals and not activists at all, and so there is no such strategy to bend, shape, and form a country.

  • Obama administration didn't have one person who had ever worked in business. Not one Obama cabinet member had ever seriously had a job, run a company, met a payroll in the American economy. And, as such, no way of understanding how business is done, from negotiations to any other aspect of it. In fact, people in Obama's cabinet were arrogant and condescending and looking down on those people as a bunch of shysters and a bunch of cheats and people that kill their customers and they're destroying the planet.

  • Our country, our economy - don't doubt me on this - our economy is based on capitalism. Barack Obama's stated reason for being inspired by Reverend Wright was his speech, 'White man's greed runs a world in need.' That inspired Obama, 'White man's greed runs a world in need.' That's the real American dream. Working hard you will get ahead. But you can't have that if you want to create a permanent underclass. You simply cannot have people getting ahead. It destroys the whole notion of a permanent underclass.

  • We're in a mess in America, and it's because of what you think. We're in a mess because of your party. We're in a mess, Mrs. Clinton, because you've been there. You were responsible for this economy. You're responsible our foreign policy. You're responsible for the massive illegal immigration.

  • The politics of grievance is pervasive. It's spreading. And when you have an economy that has been ripped to shreds like this, and when you have more and more people thinking that there's no economic opportunity - that the game is so rigged that the standard recipes of hard work and education, stick-to-itiveness and so forth don't pay off.

  • Trump is actually achieving quite a lot. He has actually already fulfilled a whole bunch of campaign promises. The economy is doing great. Jobs, real jobs are being created. American companies are announcing they're gonna reopen factories here. The coal industry is coming back to life because of what Trump did. And for his part, you know, Trump seems aware about it.

  • Even in the early days of America when it was largely an agrarian or agricultural, farmer-type of economy. There were still cities; there were still elites.

  • Republicans and Democrats are obsessed with making sure that illegal aliens are granted citizenship. The American people are not. They're concerned about jobs, the economy, debt. They're concerned about a plundering country. They're concerned about a decaying, dying country.

  • The Democrats are going to tax everybody through the roof. It is going to be focused on people that are wealthy because that's who they can tax. When you look at the stimulus plan - see, this doesn't make any sense, this is not working, it's not going to work, it's not intended to work the way we all were told it was gonna work. Health care is not going to get better. It's gonna get worse. It's gonna get rationed. The economy, the energy sector, nothing is being improved here. Everything's being wrecked.

  • It's frustrating because their fingerprints are all over this. If anybody, in my estimation, is disqualified from having anything further to do with this nation's economy or health care or immigration, it's the Democrat Party.

  • The last thing they want is a revitalized economy now. I'm not saying the Democrats don't want a strong economy. Don't misunderstand. They just don't want it now.

  • I am opposed to Obama's efforts to destroy the American economy. I'm opposed to Obama's efforts to so-called fix the health care system. I'm opposed to the way Obama wants to go about fixing unemployment.

    "Will Obama’s Exploitation of Newtown Families Force GOP to Cave on Gun Control?". "The Rush Limbaugh Show", April 12, 2013.
  • The economy and its dismal status is the result of policy decisions that Obama has made and put into place. It's not the quirk of fate. It's not that America's best days are over. It's not that America's past was a fad or a quirk. It's not that the great economic days of the eighties were illegitimate or unreal. It's not that this is the new normal. It's not that all of the greatness in the past was undeserved. It is precisely because of Obama policies implemented since 2009 that this country is in the shape it's in.

  • There's no way you can grow an economy with that, with that many people not working and not paying taxes, you can have any kind of government solvency, you can't have any kind of growing economy, which is exactly what the Democrats want, by the way. Much better for the Democrats that you don't work. The more you work, the less dependent on them you are. If this sounds hideous, I'm sorry, it's true.

  • The government's the one thing that's not supposed to grow. The U.S. economy is supposed to grow. The two things can't really happen together.

  • Stephen Miller said, "Over time you would cut net migration in half, which polling shows is supported overwhelmingly by the American people in a very large number." This is why Donald Trump got elected. "It's a major promise to the American people to push for merit-based immigration reform that protects American workers, American taxpayers - protects the American economy - and prioritizes the needs of our citizens, our residents, and our workers. It's pro-America immigration", he said.

  • The Chinese can devalue their currency, apparently without doing much harm to themselves. They can do this as a strategy to destroy our economy in America.

  • The people who have destroyed the health care system are also in line to destroy other aspects of our economy, the job market, immigration and amnesty.

  • State-controlled Associated Press: 'The gross domestic product declines 1% in the second quarter, better than expected.' The bottom line is the economy is still shrinking! It's contracting. There's negative growth. One percent, big whoop, we're supposed to feel happy about this? The only thing that would make me happy about this is if I saw a story that said the government shrunk by 1%. Then we'd be making progress.

  • Look, 85% percent of Democrats think the economy's fine. What does that tell you about these people?

  • In America, we don't have a growing economy. We don't have jobs being created at a replacement level for those we had lost. We don't have anything Obama said. He lied about the cost of premiums coming down.

  • The Obama legacy is actually disastrous. It features lies, spying on Americans, spying on American reporters. Criminalizing, weaponizing the IRS against certain Americans. Lying to people about their health care plans and their doctors. Lying to people about the cost of health care. Lying to people about how great it was all gonna be. Lying to people about the stimulus, the impact. Lying about economy.

  • Open borders and the never-ending parade of illegal immigrants does nothing to build the national economy or the American culture.

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    Rush Limbaugh quotes about: Abortion Abuse Accomplishment Achievement Acting Advertising Affairs Age Aging Aids Airplane Al Qaeda Aliens Ambition American Dream American Exceptionalism Animals Apologizing Appearance Arguing Army Arrogance Assumption Attitude Authority Babies Balance Beach Being The Best Belief Big Government Birth Blame Books Boundaries Brothers Bullying Bureaucracy Cancer Capitalism Caring Cars Castro Censorship Challenges Chaos Character Charity Cheating Children Choices Christ Christianity Chuck Church Cia Citizenship Civil Rights Civil War Civility Cliches Climate Change Clinton College College Education Common Sense Communism Community Compassion Competition Compromise Confusion Conservatism Conspiracy Constitution Cops Country Crime Criticism Critics Culture Dad Debate Decisions Deck Defeat Democracy Democratic Party Design Desire Dictator Dignity Discrimination Diversity Divorce Dogs Doubt Dreams Drugs Earth Eating Economic Growth Economics Economy Education System Effort Elections Electoral College Emotions Employees Enemies Energy Entitlements Environment Envy European Union Evidence Evil Excuses Exercise Expectations Eyes Failing Fairness Fate Fathers Feelings Feminism Fighting First Amendment Flight Focus Football Foreign Policy Free Market Free Speech Freedom And Liberty Frustration Fun Gas Gay Marriage Gender Giving Giving Up Global Warming Goals Gold Golf Good Works Google Gop Greatness Growing Up Growth Guilt Gun Control Guns Habits Hate Hatred Having Fun Health Care Heart Hell High School Hiring Home Honesty Honor Horses House Human Nature Humanity Hurt Husband Ideology Ignorance Illegal Immigration Immigration Inauguration Income Tax Independence Individualism Inequality Injustice Insanity Integrity Internet Islam Jets Jimmy Journalism Judging Justice Killing Labor Language Laughter Lawyers Leaving Legacy Letting Go Liberalism Liberty Life Lifetime Listening Loan Logic Los Angeles Losing Loss Lottery Luck Lying Magic Marxism Mask Mccain Meetings Memories Middle Class Military Miracles Mistakes Morality Morning Mortgages Mothers Motivation Moving Forward National Security Nerds Nuclear Weapons Offense Office Opinions Opportunity Oppression Optimism Overcoming Pain Painting Parenthood Parents Parties Passion Past Patriots Perception Perspective Pessimism Philosophy Planning Pointing Police Political Correctness Political Parties Political Philosophy Politicians Politics Pope Poverty Prayer President Obama Pride Prisons Productivity Progress Prosperity Protest Public Education Public Schools Purpose Questioning Quitting Racism Rage Reading Real World Reality Recognition Refugees Rejection Republican Party Reputation Resentment Responsibility Revolution Rice Riots Risk Rule Of Law Running School Second Amendment Security Seven Shame Skins Slavery Slaves Sleep Small Business Social Issues Social Media Socialism Son Soviet Union Speed Sports Strategy Struggle Student Loans Students Study Suffering Sunday Supreme Court Take Care Talent Taxes Tea Tea Party Teachers Teaching Team Terror Terrorism Terrorists Time Magazine Tobacco Today Torture Trade Tradition Training Transgenders Tyranny Understanding United Nations Unity Universe Utopia Values Victory Violence Virtue Voting Waiting Walking Wall War War Of The Worlds Water Wealth Welfare Whining Wife Winning Worry Writing

    Rush Limbaugh

    • Born: January 12, 1951
    • Occupation: Talk show host