Shauna Niequist Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Shauna Niequist's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Shauna Niequist's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 44 quotes on this page collected since ! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • Sometimes we have to leave home in order to find out what we left there, and why it matters so much.

    Home   Order   Matter  
  • We sometimes choose the most locked up, dark versions of the story, but what a good friend does is turn on the lights, open the window, and remind us that there are a whole lot of ways to tell the same story.

    Shauna Niequist (2010). “Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way”, p.52, Zondervan
  • When we do the hard, intimate work of friendship, we bring a little more of the divine into daily life.

    Shauna Niequist (2009). “Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life”, p.40, Zondervan
  • Sometimes the happiest ending isn't the one you keep longing for, but something you absolutely cannot see from where you are

  • When things fall apart, the broken pieces allow all sorts of things to enter, and one of them is the presence of God.

    Fall   Broken   Pieces  
  • When you eat, I want you to think of God, of the holiness of hands that feed us, of the provision we are given every time we eat. When you eat bread and you drink wine, I want you to think about the body and the blood every time, not just when the bread and wine show up in church, but when they show up anywhere- on a picnic table or a hardwood floor or a beach.

    Beach   Wine   Thinking  
  • This is it, in the best possible way. That thing I'm waiting for, that adventure, that movie-score-wor thy experience unfolding gracefully. This is it. Normal, daily life ticking by on our streets and sidewalks, in our houses and apartments, in our beds and at our dinner tables, in our dreams and prayers and fights and secrets - this pedestrian life is the most precious thing any of us will ever experience.

  • We don't learn to love each other well in the easy moments. Anyone is good company at a cocktail party. But love is born when we misunderstand one another and make it right, when we cry in the kitchen, when we show up uninvited with magazines and granola bars, in an effort to say, I love you.

  • In many cases, change is not a function of life's cruelty but instead a function of God's graciousness.

    Shauna Niequist (2010). “Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way”, p.11, Zondervan
  • To all the secret writers, late-night painters, would-be singers, lapsed and scared artists of every stripe, dig out your paintbrush, or your flute, or your dancing shoes. Pull out your camera or your computer or your pottery wheel. Today, tonight, after the kids are in bed or when your homework is done, or instead of one more video game or magazine, create something, anything. Pick up a needle and thread, and stitch together something particular and honest and beautiful, because we need it. I need it. Thank you, and keep going.

    Beautiful   Kids   Artist  
  • I want to cultivate a deep sense of gratitude, of groundedness, of enough, even while I'm longing for something more. The longing and the gratitude, both. I'm practicing believing that God knows more than I know, that he sees what I can't, that he's weaving a future I can't even imagine from where I sit this morning.

    Shauna Niequist (2013). “Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes”, p.50, Zondervan
  • This is how the world changes - little by little, table by table, meal by meal, hour by hour. This is how we chip away at isolation, loneliness, fear. This is how we connect, in big and small ways - we do it around the table.

  • That's why it's hard, I think, to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. I love that line from the Bible, but it's so incredibly difficult sometimes, because when you've got reason to rejoice, you forget what it's like to mourn, even if you swear you never will. And because when you're mourning, the fact that someone close to you is rejoicing seems like a personal affront.

  • Life hands us opportunities at every turn to get over ourselves, to get outside ourselves, to wake up from our own bad dreams and realize that really lovely things are happening all the time.

  • I want you to stop running from thing to thing to thing, and to sit down at the table, to offer the people you love something humble and nourishing, like soup and bread, like a story, like a hand holding another hand while you pray. We live in a world that values us for how fast we go, for how much we accomplish, for how much life we can pack into one day. But I'm coming to believe it's in the in-between spaces that our lives change, and that the real beauty lies there.

  • We have, each one of us, been entrusted with one life, made up of days and hours and minutes. We're spending them according to our values, whether or not we admit it.

    Hours   Made   Minutes  
  • If we pay attention to our tears, they'll show us something about ourselves.

    Tears   Attention   Pay  
    Shauna Niequist (2013). “Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes”, p.65, Zondervan
  • Use what you have, use what the world gives you. Use the first day of fall: bright flame before winter's deadness; harvest; orange, gold, amber; cool nights and the smell of fire. Our tree-lined streets are set ablaze, our kitchens filled with the smells of nostalgia: apples bubbling into sauce, roasting squash, cinnamon, nutmeg, cider, warmth itself. The leaves as they spark into wild color just before they die are the world's oldest performance art, and everything we see is celebrating one last violently hued hurrah before the black and white silence of winter.

    Art   Fall   Winter  
  • The grandest seduction of all is the myth that DOING EVERYTHING BETTER gets us where we want to be. It gets us somewhere, certainly, but not anywhere worth being

    Powerful   Writing   Want  
  • There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming.

  • My life is a story about who God is and what He does in a human heart.

    Heart   Doe   Stories  
    Shauna Niequist (2010). “Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way”, p.169, Zondervan
  • I've spent most of my life and most of my friendships holding my breath and hoping that when people get close enough they won't leave, and fearing that it's a matter of time before they figure me out and go.

    Worry   People   Anxiety  
    "Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way". Book by Shauna Niequist, July 2010.
  • I believe that God is making all things new. I believe that Christ overcame death and that pattern is apparent all through life and history: life from death, water from a stone, redemption from failure, connection from alienation. I believe that suffering is part of the narrative, and that nothing really good gets built when everything's easy.

  • Grace isn't about having a second chance; grace is having so many chances that you could use them through all eternity and never come up empty. It's when you finally realize that the other shoe isn't going to drop, ever.

  • I believe still today what I have always believed: that God is good, that the world He made is extraordinary, and that His comfort is like nothing else on earth.

    Believe   Comfort   World  
  • Many of the most deeply spiritual moments of my life haven't happened just in my mind or in my soul. They happened while holding my son in the middle of the night, or watching the water break along the shore, or around my table, watching the people I love feel nourished in all sorts of ways.

    Spiritual   Son   Night  
    Shauna Niequist (2010). “Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way”, p.22, Zondervan
  • Life sneaks up on us every once in a while and gives us something we didn't ever know we wanted, and lights within us a love we didn't even know existed.

    Light   Giving   Wanted  
  • There's nothing small or inconsequential about our stories. There is, in fact, nothing bigger. And when we tell the truth about our lives - the broken parts, the secret parts, the beautiful parts - then the gospel comes to life, an actual story about redemption, instead of abstraction and theory and things you learn in Sunday School.

  • I believe that suffering is part of the narrative, and that nothing really good gets built when everything's easy. I believe that loss and emptiness and confusion often give way to new fullness and wisdom.

    Believe   Loss   Giving  
    Shauna Niequist (2010). “Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way”, p.8, Zondervan
  • The world is alive, blinking and clicking, winking at us slyly, inviting us to get up and dance to the music that’s been playing since the beginning of time, if you bend all the way down and put your ear to the ground to listen for it.

    Ears   Alive   World  
    Shauna Niequist (2009). “Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life”, p.8, Zondervan
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    Shauna Niequist quotes about: Giving Heart Water