Discredit You Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Discredit You". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Discredit You. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Discredit You!
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  • What's so crazy is when you give interviews to reporters that don't really care too much for you, basically what they're going to do is write what they want to write and discredit you. They're going to write and say what they want to say, no matter what you tell them.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
  • It's a very scary time for a lot of people; they feel scared to speak up. There's so much controversy even speaking up about politics to begin with. People try to discredit you at every single corner, especially if you're a woman. So it's hard as an artist to really speak up about this kind of stuff when you're trying to be successful and have a career.

    Source: www.mtv.com
  • I learned from teaching. If you are perceived by the student to be belittling them or purely criticizing them without offering up words of encouragement and support, they shut down and discredit you.

    "Tim Gunn on ‘Project Runway,’ New Book, Current Fashion". Interview with Patrick McDonald, www.hollywoodchicago.com. October 26, 2010.
  • I found early on in teaching, if you're too blunt an instrument, the students discredit you and think you're just being mean. They're not interested in what you have to say.

  • I suppose politicians have always wanted to get re-elected, but there's a kind of a feeling now that if you just discredit your opposition, it makes it easier for you to win. I don't think that's necessarily true.

  • There are credentials for admission to our democratic society [...]. You have to be educated in order to be a participant in our conversation So we are going to go right on trying to discredit you in the eyes of your children, trying to strip your fundamentalist religious community of dignity, trying to make your views seem silly rather than discussable. We are not so inclusivist as to tolerate intolerance such as yours.

  • I don't want to discredit people's individuality, but I think people are pretty much the same. People are very similar. If you have a good enough imagination then you can feel things that you personally have never done before. That's acting.

  • I learned quickly that if the student’s perception is that you’re not listening to them, and not understanding them, they discredit you.

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