Imperfect World Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Imperfect World". There are currently 38 quotes in our collection about Imperfect World. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Imperfect World!
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  • I’d like to be remembered as one who kept my priorities in the right order. We live in a changing world, but we need to be reminded that the important things have not changed, and the important things will not change if we keep our priorities in proper order.

  • I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect, and that's why it is growing; if it was perfect it would have been dead.

  • Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

  • The world is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards.

    Running   Stupid   Men  
    Gregory David Roberts (2004). “Shantaram: A Novel”, p.309, Macmillan
  • We are gripped by God’s will of love, and must help carry out that will in this world, in small things as in great things, in saving as in pardoning. To be glad instruments of God’s love in this imperfect world is the service to which we are called.

    Albert Schweitzer, Steven E. G. Melamed (2003). “The African Sermons”, p.20, Syracuse University Press
  • He didn't believe in a God who sifted through prayers, answering some and ignoring others, no matter how unworthy or worthy a person might be. Instead, he preferred to believe in a God who bestowed all people with gifts and abilities and placed them in an imperfect world; only then was faith tested, only then could faith be earned.

  • We are in a world that is connected, but is not communicating.

  • Christians were never meant to be normal. We’ve always been holy troublemakers, we’ve always been creators of uncertainty, agents of dimension that’s incompatible with the status quo; we do not accept the world as it is, but we insist on the world becoming the way that God wants it to be. And the Kingdom of God is different from the patterns of this world.

    Change   God   Christian  
  • It's a journalist's job to be a witness to history. We're not there to worry about ourselves. We're there to try and get as near as we can, in an imperfect world, to the truth and get the truth out.

    "Robert Fisk, Injured in Line of Duty" by Matthew Rothschild, December 10, 2001.
  • There is always a but in this imperfect world.

    Anne Bronte (2006). “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”, p.257,
  • We are imperfect beings in a very imperfect world, and the one thing we can count on is that things will go wrong, and that each and every one of us will have problems.

  • Why do people resist [engines, bridges, and cities] so? They are symbols and products of the imagination, which is the force that ensures justice and historical momentum in an imperfect world, because without imagination we would not have the wherewithal to challenge certainty, and we could never rise above ourselves.

    Mark Helprin (1983). “Winter's Tale”, p.555, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Maturity is the ability to joyfully live in an imperfect world.

    Richard Rohr (1996). “Job and the Mystery of Suffering: Spiritual Reflections”, p.177, Gracewing Publishing
  • Let the future say of our generation that we sent forth mighty currents of hope and that we worked together to heal the world.

    Change   Hope   Future  
  • Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.

  • We must recognize that we are living in an imperfect world in which human and superhuman forces of evil are at work and so long as those forces affect the political behaviour of mankind there can be no hope of abiding peace.

  • Elric knew that everything that existed had its opposite. In danger he might find peace. And yet, of course, in peace there was danger. Being an imperfect creature in an imperfect world he would always know paradox. And that was why in paradox there was always a kind of truth. That was why philosophers and soothsayers flourished. In a perfect world there would be no place for them. In an imperfect world the mysteries were always without solution and that was why there was always a great choice of solutions.

    Michael Moorcock (2009). “Duke Elric”, p.127, Del Rey
  • In a musically imperfect world, there is still perfection in the voice of Barbara Cook. For anyone eulogizing the historic scores of a long-lost era of Broadway greatness, not to worry. Somebody is still singing them with purity and passion. She is Barbara Cook, and she sings them for the angels to applaud.

  • Perfect solutions of our difficulties are not to be looked for in an imperfect world.

    Winston Churchill, Robert Rhodes James (1980). “Churchill speaks: Winston S. Churchill in peace and war : collected speeches, 1897-1963”, Atheneum
  • Don't spend your precious time asking "Why isn't the world a better place?" It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is "How can I make it better?" To that there is an answer.

  • Perfectionism is a dangerous state of mind in an imperfect world.

  • I think perfection is ugly. Somewhere in the things humans make, I want to see scars, failure, disorder, distortion.

    "Talking to Myself (The Past, the Feminine, the Vain)". Book by Yohji Yamamoto and Kiyokazu Washida, 2002.
  • The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.

  • Artists live in an imperfect world where affairs of the heart must sometimes be compromised with business.

    Business   Heart   Artist  
  • I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect, and that's why it is growing; if it was perfect it would have been dead. Growth is possible only if there is imperfection. I would like you to remember again and again, I am imperfect, the whole universe is imperfect, and to love this imperfection, to rejoice in this imperfection is my whole message.

  • This world isn't perfect. That means it isn't perfectly good; but it isn't perfectly bad, either. The ease comes with the hardship. Shift the focus of what you see, and your experience of this life will change.

  • Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me. My home life and relations have been as nearly ideal as possible in this imperfect world.

    Emmeline Pankhurst (2015). “My Own Story: Top Biography”, p.9, 谷月社
  • The world is a dangerous place to live

    Joseph Eger, Albert Einstein (2005). “Einstein's Violin: A Conductor's Notes on Music, Physics, and Social Change”, Tarcher
  • Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud; Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun, And loathsome canker lies in sweetest bud. All men make faults.

    Lying   Moon   Men  
    Sonnet 35
  • In an imperfect world perfection is not instantly available. Railroad safety, for instance, cannot be secured by mechanical devices alone. It is primarily a resultant of care and discipline.

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