Sense Perception Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Sense Perception". There are currently 29 quotes in our collection about Sense Perception. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Sense Perception!
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  • Physiology is concerned with all those phenomena of life that present them selves to us in sense perception as bodily processes, and accordingly form part of that total environment which we name the external world.

    Life   Self   Names  
    Wilhelm Max Wundt (1969). “Principles of Physiological Psychology”
  • Sense-perceptions can only be indirect knowledge, and not direct knowledge. Only one's own awareness is direct knowledge.

    Maharshi Ramana, Swami Saraswati Ramananda (1963). “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi”
  • When our intellect has shaken off its many opinions about created things, then the inner principle of truth appears clearly to it, providing it with a foundation of real knowledge and removing its former preconceptions as though removing scales from eyes, as happened in the case of St. Paul (cf. Acts 9:18). For an understanding of Scripture that does not go beyond the literal meaning, and a view of the sensible world that relies exclusively on sense perception, are indeed scales, blinding the soul's visionary faculty and preventing access to the pure Logos of truth.

    Christian   Real   Eye  
  • Our senses enable us to perceive only a minute portion of the outside world. Our hearing extends to a small distance. Our sight is impeded by intervening bodies and shadows. To know each other we must reach beyond the sphere of our sense perceptions. We must transmit our intelligence, travel, transport the materials and transfer the energies necessary for our existence.

    Nikola Tesla (2013). “The Nikola Tesla Treasury”, p.508, Simon and Schuster
  • The brain is the citadel of sense perception.

    Natural History XI.49
  • Sight is not absolutely essential in this process, but we use sight because it is the dominant sense. It's easiest to interrupt the flow of thought in sense perception and move the mind beyond sense perception with sight.

  • If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.

    The Marriage of Heaven and Hell "A Memorable Fancy" plate 14 (1790 - 1793). Inspired the title of Aldous Huxley's 1954 book about drug experimentation, The Doors of Perception, which in turn inspired the name of the 1960s rock group The Doors.
  • There are things known and things unknown and in between are The Doors.

    Tagline to "The Doors" Documentary, 1991.
  • Underneath the world of sense perceptions and the world of mind activity, there is the vastness of being. There's a vast spaciousness. There's a vast stillness and there's a little ripple activity on the surface, which isn't separate, just like the ripples are not separate from the ocean.

    Ocean   Perception   Mind  
  • There is no truth. There is only perception.

  • I don't know how to be like a Bill Murray or a Will Ferrell, these guys who know how to make a line funny just by, I don't know, some extra-sense perception. I only know character and emotion and real acting; that's all I know how to do.

    Real   Character   Guy  
  • Let the spirit out - Discard all thoughts of reward, all hopes of praise and fears of blame, all awareness of one's bodily self. And, finally closing the avenues of sense perception, let the spirit out, as it will.

    Bruce Lee (2015). “Bruce Lee Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee's Wisdom for Daily Living”, p.78, Tuttle Publishing
  • The mind wants to land, to fixate, to hold a concept, but the only way you can be really free is by not fixating. That's part of true maturity, and it's one of the hardest things for spiritual people who have had true and powerful revelations to go through - to accept the degree of surrender needed to literally let go of all experience and all self-reference. Even in great revelations, there is almost always something that wants to claim, "I am this." Every time you claim, "I am this", you just claimed another sense perception, thought, emotion, or feeling.

  • Do you really need to mentally label every sense perception and experience? Do you really need to have a reactive like/dislike relationship with life where you are in almost continuous conflict with situations and people? Or is that just a deep-seated mental habit that can be broken? Not by doing anything, but by allowing this moment to be as it is.

    Eckhart Tolle (2010). “Stillness Speaks”, p.64, New World Library
  • To know each other we must reach beyond the sphere of our sense perceptions.

    Nikola Tesla (2013). “The Wireless Tesla”, p.17, Simon and Schuster
  • After sleeping through a hundred million centuries we have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with color, bountiful with life. Within decades we must close our eyes again. Isn’t it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it? This is how I answer when I am asked—as I am surprisingly often—why I bother to get up in the mornings.

  • The belief in an external world independent of the perceiving subject is the basis of all natural science. Since, however, sense perception only gives information of this external world or of "physical reality" indirectly, we can only grasp the latter by speculative means. It follows from this that our notions of physical reality can never be final. We must always be ready to change these notions - that is to say, the axiomatic basis of physics - in order to do justice to perceived facts in the most perfect way.

    "Maxwell's Influence on the Evolution of the Idea of Physical Reality" by Albert Einstein, 1931.
  • After sleeping through a hundred million centuries, we have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with color, bountiful with life.

    Sleep   Eye   Color  
    Richard Dawkins (2006). “Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder”, p.21, Penguin UK
  • Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.

    Albert Einstein (2015). “Bite-Size Einstein: Quotations on Just About Everything from the Greatest Mind of the Twentieth Century”, p.24, St. Martin's Press
  • Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.

    Life   Beautiful   Art  
  • Most of the mistakes in thinking are inadequacies of perception rather than mistakes of logic.

    Edward De Bono (1992). “Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas”, Harpercollins
  • I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I Am.

    Eckhart Tolle (2010). “Stillness Speaks”, p.47, New World Library
  • If we try and direct our lives with only our limited rationalistic thoughts and our sense perceptions, then our actions and our activities will not be prefect.

    Frederick Lenz (1994). “Surfing the Himalayas: conversations and travels with Master Fwap”, Interglobal Seminars
  • During long periods of history, the mode of human sense perception changes with humanity’s entire mode of existence. The manner in which human sense perception is organized, the medium in which it is accomplished, is determined not only by nature but by historical circumstances as well

    Walter Benjamin (1968). “Illuminations”, p.232, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • It is one of the commonest of our mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all that there is to perceive.

    "Man Visible and Invisible: Examples of Different Types of Men as Seen by Means of Trained Clairvoyance".
  • There is a single general space, a single vast immensity which we may freely call void: in it are unnumerable globes like this on which we live and grow, this space we declare to be infinite, since neither reason, convenience, sense-perception nor nature assign to it a limit.

    Stars   Science   Space  
    "On the Infinite Universe and Worlds". Book by Giordano Bruno, 1584.
  • I can sometimes sit for two hours in a room with almost no thought. Just complete stillness. Sometimes when I go for walks, there's also complete stillness; there's no mental labeling of sense perceptions. There's simply a sense of awe or wonder or openness, and that's beautiful.

  • When you continuously know and sense yourself as the space of consciousness rather than what appears in consciousness - sense perceptions, thoughts, emotions - then it can be said that you are enlightened... except that you wouldn't think or speak of yourself as 'enlightened', because that would instantly create another mind-based conceptual identity and so it would be the end of 'your' enlightenment.

    "Where Are You Now? An Interview with Eckhart Tolle". Interview with Stephen Gawtry, November 4, 2014.
  • The brain is the highest of the organs in position, and it is protected by the vault of the head; it has no flesh or blood or refuse. It is the citadel of sense-perception.

    Natural History XI.49
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