Sharpness Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Sharpness". There are currently 61 quotes in our collection about Sharpness. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Sharpness!
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  • Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know.

    Laozi, Lao-Tzu, Stephen Addiss, Stanley Lombardo (2007). “Tao Te Ching”, p.55, Shambhala Publications
  • To me the special quality (which of course many men have as well) is first of all a sharpness, a clarityIt cuts through - especially intellectual ossification. Itgets to the point. To me the dakini principle stands for the intuitive force.

  • But the longer and further I ran, the more I realized that what I was often chasing was a state of mind- a place where worries that seemed monumental melted away, where the beauty and timelessness of the universe, of the present moment, came into sharp focus.

    Scott Jurek, Steve Friedman (2012). “Eat & Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness”, p.181, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • The popular and scientific views of "race" no longer coincide. The word "race," as applied scientifically to human groupings, has lost any sharpness of meaning. To-day it is hardly definable in scientific terms, except as an abstract concept which may, under certain conditions, very different from those now prevalent, have been realized approximately in the past and might, under certain other but equally different conditions, be realized in the distant future.

  • When a person that one loves is in the world and alive and well, and pleased to be in the world, then to miss them is only a new flavor, a salt sharpness in experience. It is when the beloved is unhappy or maimed or troubled that one misses with pain.

    Winifred Holtby, Vera Brittain (1960). “Selected letters of Winifred Holtby and Vera Brittain, 1920-1935”
  • I love to praise what I love, and I won't for a minute believe that love is blind -- indeed, it gives clearness without sharpness, and surely that is the best light in which to look at anything.

  • She expected the pain, when it came. But she gasped at its sharpness; it was not like any pain she had felt before. He kissed her and slowed and would have stopped. But she laughed, and said that this one time she would consent to hurt, and bleed, at his touch. He smiled into her neck and kissed her again and she moved with him through the pain. The pain became a warmth that grew. Grew, and stopped her breath. And took her breath and her pain and her mind away from her body, so that there was nothing but her body and his body and the light and fire they made together.

    Kristin Cashore (2009). “Graceling”, p.242, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • The best quarrels, in the heat, are cursed by those that feel their sharpness.

    William Shakespeare (2011). “King Lear Thrift Study Edition”, p.109, Courier Corporation
  • I will perform the function of a whetstone, which is about to restore sharpness to iron, though itself unable to cut. [Lat., Fungar vice cotis, acutum Reddere quae ferrum valet, exsors ipsi secandi.]

  • You cannot underestimate the sharpness of people’s BS radar. They can spot a soulless, bureaucratic tactic a million miles away.

    Gary Vaynerchuk (2011). “The Thank You Economy (Enhanced Edition)”, p.28, Harper Collins
  • Or perhaps is is that time doesn't heal wounds at all, perhaps that is the biggest lie of them all, and instead what happens is that each wound penetrates the body deeper and deeper until one day you find that the sheer geography of your bones - the angle of your hips, the sharpness of your shoulders, as well as the luster of your eyes, the texture of your skin, the openness of your smile - has collapsed under the weight of your griefs.

  • A philosophical thought has probably not attained all its sharpness and all its illumination until it is expressed in French.

    "Society for Pure English, Tract 05: The Englishing of French Words; the Dialectal Words in Blunden's Poems" by Society for Pure English, June 5, 2004.
  • When she closed her eyes she felt he had many hands, which touched her everywhere, and many mouths, which passed so swiftly over her, and with a wolflike sharpness, his teeth sank into her fleshiest parts. Naked now, he lay his full length over her. She enjoyed his weight on her, enjoyed being crushed under his body. She wanted him soldered to her, from mouth to feet. Shivers passed through her body.

    Anais Nin (1977). “DELTA OF VENUS EROTICA”
  • Ours is a culture based on excess, on overproduction; the result is a steady loss of sharpness in our sensory experience. All the conditions of modern life - its material plenitude, its sheer crowdedness - conjoin to dull our sensory faculties

    Susan Sontag (1983). “A Susan Sontag reader”, Vintage
  • Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know. Close your mouth, block off your senses, blunt your sharpness, untie your knots, soften your glare, settle your dust. This is the primal identity. Be like the Tao. It can't be approached or withdrawn from, benefited or harmed, honored or brought into disgrace. It gives itself up continually. That is why it endures.

  • Homesickness is a great teacher. It taught me, during an endless rainy fall, that I came from the arid lands, and like where I came from. I was used to dry clarity and sharpness in the air. I was used to horizons that either lifted into jagged ranges or rimmed the geometrical circle of the flat world. I was used to seeing a long way. I was used to earth colors--tan, rusty red, toned white--and the endless green of Iowa offended me. I was used to a sun that came up over mountains and went down behind other mountains. I missed the color and smell of sagebrush, and the sight of bare ground.

  • We must take precautions against being prematurely honed sharp--since at the same time we are being prematurely honed thin.

  • The values by which we are to survive are not rules for just and unjust conduct, but are those deeper illuminations in whose light justice and injustice, good and evil, means and ends are seen in fearful sharpness of outline.

    Jacob Bronowski (1975). “Science and Human Values”, HarperCollins Publishers
  • It is fear that I stand most in fear of, in sharpness it exceeds every other feeling.

    Michel de Montaigne (1946). “The essays”
  • I guess the producers saw me and knew I was literate and I always tried to be alert and it's funny because you have to have a sharpness to do those shows, especially some of the ones I did in later years.

  • I watch people get older and lose their intellectual acuity; you lose that sharpness, that cleanness, that brain that you worked so hard on and that you were gifted with and lose the gifts that were given.

  • Do not use the sharpness of your speech on your mother who taught you how to speak.

  • Seal the openings, shut the doors, dull the sharpness, untie the knots, dim the light, become one with the dust. This is called the profound union.

  • One of the blessings of age is to learn not to part on a note of sharpness, to treasure the moments spent with those we love, and to make them whenever possible good to remember, for time is short.

    Eleanor Roosevelt, David Emblidge (1989). “Eleanor Roosevelt's My Day: Her Acclaimed Columns, 1936-1945”
  • War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

    J.R.R. Tolkien (2012). “The Two Towers: Being the Second Part of The Lord of the Rings”, p.656, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • The glory of 70mm is the sharpness of the image it offers.

  • As he paid the hansom and followed his wife's long train into the house he took refuge in the comforting platitude that the first six months were always the most difficult in marriage. 'After that I suppose we shall have pretty nearly finished rubbing off each other’s angles,' he reflected; but the worst of it was that May's pressure was already bearing on the very angles whose sharpness he most wanted to keep

    Edith Wharton (2006). “The Age of Innocence”, p.148, OUP Oxford
  • The golden rule is work fast. As for framing, composition, focus-this is no time to start asking yourself questions: you just have to trust your intuition and the sharpness of your reflexes.

  • What you think is the point is not the point at all but only the beginning of the sharpness.

    Flann O'Brien (1996). “The Third Policeman: A Novel”
  • I love a friendship that flatters itself in the sharpness and vigor of its communications.

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