Together We Can Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Together We Can". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Together We Can. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Together We Can!
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  • The journey is long, the road is dark and frightening, but together we can reach our destination: the Tasmania of which we all dream, where all are welcome and all prosper, made no longer of lies but truth, built not of rich men's hate but our love for our island and for each other.

    Dream   Hate   Lying  
  • I will fight for you, yes, and you will fight for me. And if you have sacrificed joy and courage and beauty and wisdom for my sake, I will give them all to you again; and yet you must also give them to me, for they are things in which without you I am wanting. But together we can make them.

    Eleanor Farjeon (1922). “Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard”
  • Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible.

    "A President Like My Father" by Caroline Kennedy, January 27, 2008.
  • We achieved our mission to the moon. Let's look home from that lofty perch and reimagine our mission on Earth - that is what we need to do here. Together, we can upcycle everything. The world will be better for our positive visions and actions.

  • ... together we can build the people's Church, a true Church. Not just a hierarchy, or a building, but a real change inside people.

    Rigoberta Menchú (2009). “I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala (Second Edition)”, p.289, Verso Books
  • Together we can do great things.

  • The beautiful faces of the children I’ve met in Rwanda and in other countries are with me every day and fuel my passion to raise awareness of the global hunger issue. That’s why I’m urging everyone to join me and #PassTheRedCup for Yum! Brands’ World Hunger Relief effort. Together we can move millions of children from hunger to hope.

  • Europe is not one of the major powers. And Africa even less so of course. But Africa has what Europe lacks: space, human resources, and natural resources while Europe has the technological innovation that Africa lacks. Together we can become a power which can count in the future.

  • Together we can prevent genocide from happening again. Together we can make a better future for our children.

  • Domestic violence can be so easy for people to ignore, as it often happens without any witnesses and it is sometimes easier not to get involved. Yet, by publicly speaking out against domestic violence, together we can challenge attitudes towards violence in the home and show that domestic violence is a crime and not merely unacceptable.

  • No one can do everything, but everyone can do something, and together we can change the world.

  • Embryonic stem cell research has the potential to alleviate so much suffering. Surely, by working together we can harness its life-giving potential.

    "Frist Breaks from Bush on Stem Cell Research; Terror Suspects in Custody in London and Rome; Energy Bill Extends Daylight Savings Time". “Live From...”, July 29, 2005.
  • Together, we can help make sure that every family that walks into a restaurant can make an easy, healthy choice.

  • Together we can and must fight for justice for our children and protect them from draconian tax cuts and budget choices that threaten their survival, education and preparation for the future. If they are not ready for tomorrow, neither is America.

    "Be Careful What You Cut" by Marian Wright Edelman, August 10, 2012.
  • Nowadays, to say that we are clever animals is not to say something philosophical and pessimistic but something political and hopeful - namely, if we can work together, we can make ourselves into whatever we are clever and courageous enough to imagine ourselves becoming. This is to set aside Kant's question "What is man?" and to substitute the question "What sort of world can we prepare for our great grandchildren?

    Richard Rorty (1998). “Truth and Progress: Philosophical Papers”, p.175, Cambridge University Press
  • That is always our problem, not how to get control of people, but how all together we can get control of a situation.

    Mary Parker Follett (2013). “Freedom and Co-ordination (RLE: Organizations): Lectures in Business Organization”, p.24, Routledge
  • None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.

  • Painful memories are gone! Together, we can build up good memories.

  • Music has the power to unite us. It proves that by working together, we can create something truly beautiful.

  • What does open us is sharing our vulnerabilities. Sometimes we see a couple who has done this difficult work over a lifetime. In the process, they have grown old together. We can sense the enormous comfort, the shared quality of ease between these people. It is beautiful, and very rare. Without this quality of openness and vulnerability, partners don't really know each other; they are one image living with another image.

    Life   Beautiful   Couple  
    "Nothing Special". Book by Charlotte J. Beck, ‎Steven A. Smith, 2009.
  • The transition to a low-carbon economy will be one of the defining issues of the 21st century. This plan sets out a route-map for the UK's transition from here to 2020...every business, every community will need to be involved. Together we can create a more secure, more prosperous low carbon Britain and a world which is sustainable for future generations.

  • Together we are stronger, our voices louder, and the synergy of our actions more powerful. Together we can prevail on the Navy to put commonsense safeguards in place, like requiring its ships to avoid the most sensitive marine mammal habitats and to stop their training exercises during peak migrations.

    "In the Darkened Sea, a Deaf Whale Is a Dead Whale" by Pierce Brosnan, March 10, 2014.
  • If we all work together, we can totally disrupt the system.

  • We've got unmatched talent, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, so when we work together, we can all benefit.

  • I can't change you and you can't change me, but together we can work to change the world.

  • You're my best friend in the scene and together we can make sense of what's going on by being Together.

  • when I live in you, then together we can live through everything that happens to you.

  • Together, we can make a U.S. Department of Peace into a reality, and leave a gift of peace for generations to come.

  • Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

    "Helen and Teacher: The Story of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Macy". Book by Joseph P. Lash, 1980.
  • Together we can help create a peaceful, just, sustainable and healthy world.

    Twitter post from Jul 22, 2013
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