Charlie Brooker Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Charlie Brooker's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Broadcaster Charlie Brooker's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since March 3, 1971! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • "Proper work" usually involves performing a task you hate on behalf of people you'd gleefully club to death with a bull's knee if only it were legal to do so.

    "In a world that is running out of time, we need theories. So hooray for me, because I've got one" by Charlie Brooker, December 17, 2006.
  • I wasn't really aware they were a religious organization for quite some time. But my grandparents were very devout and ran a Quaker meetinghouse and were missionaries at one point.

  • In many ways, Big Brother is the present day equivalent of a 1980s Club 18-30 Holiday - flirting, sunbathing, silly little organised games, and lots of people you'd like to remove from the genepool with a cricket bat.

    Charlie Brooker (2009). “Dawn of the Dumb”, p.197, Faber & Faber
  • I'm convinced no one actually likes clubs. It's a conspiracy. We've been told they're cool and fun; that only "saddoes" dislike them. And no one in our pathetic little pre-apocalyptic timebubble wants to be labelled "sad" - it's like being officially declared worthless by the state. So we muster a grin and go out on the town in our millions.

    Charlie Brooker (2009). “The Hell of it All”, p.3, Faber & Faber
  • It's a barrel of laughs, isn't it? It makes The Day After look like friggin'...insert name of cheerful thing here. It was one of the things that made me really worry about worst-case scenarios. There's something impish and probably somewhat therapeutic about thinking about those things.

    "The Man Behind Netflix’s “Black Mirror” Is Maybe a Little Too Good at Predicting the Future". Interview with Michael Mechanic, October 14, 2016.
  • I'm a worrier. In the UK, if I'm known for anything, it's sort of for being cynical.

  • I'm trying to think overall. Some of our stories [Black Mirror], I think you're right in that they don't tend to have a message.

  • Many people find bald, unvarnished truths so disturbing, they prefer to ram their heads in the sand and start dreaming at the first sign of scientific reality.

    Charlie Brooker (2009). “The Hell of it All”, p.185, Faber & Faber
  • While I was thinking about that, the military, I read a book called On Killing, about the obstacles people have to pulling the trigger in combat. So sometimes you just absorb all this stuff without realizing you were doing research.

    "The Man Behind Netflix’s “Black Mirror” Is Maybe a Little Too Good at Predicting the Future". Interview with Michael Mechanic, October 14, 2016.
  • I saw The Twilight Zone for the first time when I was 12 or 13. I used to stay up late to watch.

    "The Man Behind Netflix’s “Black Mirror” Is Maybe a Little Too Good at Predicting the Future". Interview with Michael Mechanic, October 14, 2016.
  • In summary, our world is doomed.

    "Screenwipe", Season 4, Episode 4, October 16, 2007.
  • [Worshipping God] is like fellating someone who intermittently stubs fags out on your head for no good reason. And we all know how unsatisfying that can be.

    Charlie Brooker (2009). “Dawn of the Dumb”, p.74, Faber & Faber
  • If love were a product, the queue at the faulty goods desk would stretch right round the universe and back. It doesn't work properly. The seams come apart and it's full of powdered glass.

    "Supposing... It's Time to Smother Romance in Its Sleep". August 25, 2006.
  • Men Against Jive is a brilliant title! That's a military story, that's a difficult one to explain really because that's sort of a war... it's not just a war story.

  • I think somebody's marketing a thing that Hoovers up your Twitter and it will continue tweeting for you after you're dead. I have no idea whether they saw "Be Right Back" or not.

  • I'm somewhat socially inept. Slide me between two strangers at any light-hearted jamboree and I'll either rock awkwardly and silently on my heels, or come out with a stone-cold conversation-killer like, "This room's quite rectangular, isn't it?" I glide through the social whirl with all the elegance of a dog in high heels

    Charlie Brooker (2009). “Dawn of the Dumb”, p.320, Faber & Faber
  • Online you're encouraged to perform one personality for everyone.

  • What is useful about when there is a sort of pull-out to reveal moment going on is that it actually focuses the mind when you're writing the earlier scenes because you're thinking 'right, how do I? I can only show this amount of the room... I can only show these characters from the waist up because they've all got robot legs!' it's a challenge so it keeps you engaged on some level.

  • In comedy writing, a sitcom plot is basically the same thing: What's the worst thing that could happen? But you're playing it for comic effect. It's a similar muscle being used with Black Mirror.

    "The Man Behind Netflix’s “Black Mirror” Is Maybe a Little Too Good at Predicting the Future". Interview with Michael Mechanic, October 14, 2016.
  • My kids are very young. I'm sure there's a world of horror for me to worry about as they get older.

  • Technology isn't the villain and the people aren't often really the villain so much as they're weak.

  • Often the ideas in the show start out as ideas that make you laugh - outrageous "what if" ideas. I wanted an outlet for doing those.

    "The Man Behind Netflix’s “Black Mirror” Is Maybe a Little Too Good at Predicting the Future". Interview with Michael Mechanic, October 14, 2016.
  • I'm more pro-technology than people probably realize.

  • Am I living in a simulation?

  • At the other end of the spectrum, George Gideon Oliver King Rameses Osborne, the fourteen-year-old novelty Chancellor and future baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon - a man so posh he probably weeps champagne.

    Charlie Brooker (2012). “I Can Make You Hate”, p.212, Faber & Faber
  • The biggest teenage taboo is being strait-laced. It's easy to tell a researcher you went to a house party that turned into an orgy. It's less easy to say you like eating toast and watching QI.

    Charlie Brooker's Screen burn: Amish: The World's Squarest Teenagers" by Charlie Brooker, July 23, 2010.
  • [One of my kids ]is not named after Aldous Huxley. I haven't even read Brave New World!

  • Generally I know that we've hit on a good idea if there's a moment where I'm going "HA HA HA!" because that's usually my starting point, me laughing.

  • The iPad falls between two stools - not quite a laptop, not quite a smartphone. In other words, it's the spork of the electronic consumer goods world.

    Charlie Brooker (2012). “I Can Make You Hate”, p.68, Faber & Faber
  • Whenever I tell people I'm a misanthrope they react as though that's a bad thing, the idiots. I live in London, for God's sake. Have you walked down Oxford Street recently? Misanthropy's the only thing that gets you through it. It's not a personality flaw, it's a skill.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Broadcaster Charlie Brooker, starting from March 3, 1971! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

Charlie Brooker

  • Born: March 3, 1971
  • Occupation: Broadcaster