Erwin McManus Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Erwin McManus's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Erwin McManus's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 116 quotes on this page collected since August 28, 1958! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • The greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity.

  • For years I have made it my mission to destroy the influence of the Christian clich, 'the safest place to be is in the center of the will of God.' God would never choose for us safety at the cost of significance. God created you so that your life would count, not so that you could count the days of your life.

  • Attitude is an accurate monitor of where we fall on the spectrum of pride and humility.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul”, p.62, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Humility is not about having a low self-image or poor self-esteem. Humility is about self-awareness.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul”, p.47, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • The epicenter of creativity and imagination should be the Church, reflecting the character and glory of God.

  • The Christian faith grew through story - not text. Only later did the stories become Scripture. While the Scripture must be held in the highest regard, we must not neglect the power of story.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2013). “An Unstoppable Force: Daring to Become the Church God Had in Mind”, p.183, David C Cook
  • Jesus is being lost in a religion bearing his name.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2011). “Unleashed: Release the Untamed Faith Within”, p.17, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • It is not balance you need but adaptability.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2008). “Wide Awake: The Future Is Waiting Within You”, p.72, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • The shape of your character is the shape of your future.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Stand Against the Wind: Fuel for the Revolution of Your Soul”, p.32, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Love, no matter how you come at it, is a huge risk. It makes it easier for me to remember that God will never reject me because I am not good enough and that any community that has His heart will embrace me as I am. Jesus invites us into a community where imperfect people can find acceptance, love, forgiveness, and a new beginning.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2008). “Soul Cravings”, p.77, Thomas Nelson
  • The person who loves the process has a much greater chance of success than the person who loves the outcome.

  • Whoever tells the best story shapes the culture.

  • The Last Arrow transcends a moment or an issue. It is a call to move beyond self-indulgence to a life of sacrificial service. In The Last Arrow I address a broad spectrum of issues from the Syrian refugee crisis to the cultural epidemic of depression to the personal struggle of insignificance. The Last Arrow is a clarion call to make a difference in the world rather than a self-help book for personal self-improvement.

    "‘There Is No Neutral Ground Here,’ Erwin McManus Says to The Church". Interview with Alex Murashko, August 14, 2017.
  • The history of God's people is not a record of God searching for courageous men and women who could handle the task, but God transforming the hearts of cowards and calling them to live courageous lives.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul”, p.89, Thomas Nelson
  • God clarifies in the midst of obedience, not beforehand.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Chasing Daylight: Seize the Power of Every Moment”, p.57, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • You're not supposed to die with your potential. A life well lived squeezes all the potential placed within and does something with it.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Stand Against the Wind: Fuel for the Revolution of Your Soul”, p.31, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Jesus did not have a value for prayer for prayer's sake. He had a value for the intimate communion between God and man.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Chasing Daylight: Seize the Power of Every Moment”, p.218, Thomas Nelson
  • It's not your freedom to choose that makes you free. It's what you choose in that freedom that makes you free.

  • As a speaker, I can inspire people to change but as a writer I can guide people to change. That's why books are so important. As a pastor, though, I can be a part of creating the change the world so desperately needs.

    "‘There Is No Neutral Ground Here,’ Erwin McManus Says to The Church". Interview with Alex Murashko, August 14, 2017.
  • Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the absence of self.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2004). “The Uprising Experience: A Personal Guide for a Revolution of the Soul, Promise Keepers Edition”, p.52, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • If you were meant to fly, not even running really fast is that impressive.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2008). “Soul Cravings: An Exploration of the Human Spirit”, p.166, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • My goal is to destroy Christianity as a world religion and be a recatalyst for the movement of Jesus Christ ... Some people are upset with me because it sounds like I'm anti-Christian. I think they might be right.

  • Deeper than our instinct to live is our longing to be alive.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul”, p.9, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • What is the future you're creating right now?

  • To be apathetic is literally to be without passion.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul”, p.7, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • You need to remember who God is, forget the painful wounds and let Him renew you.

  • If God imagined you at birth, what makes you think He's stopped imagining you now.

  • The most important moments rarely come at a convenient time

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2006). “Chasing Daylight: Seize the Power of Every Moment”, p.14, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Our citizenship is in eternity; history is our temporary residence.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2008). “McManus 2-in-1 (Soul Cravings, Barbarian Way)”, p.94, Harper Collins
  • Your dreams are the product of your longings, a portrait of your potential, and a promise of your future.

    Erwin Raphael McManus (2008). “Wide Awake: The Future Is Waiting Within You”, p.22, Thomas Nelson Inc
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 116 quotes from the Author Erwin McManus, starting from August 28, 1958! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!